Ch 1. South Park, Colorado

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I don't really have anything against Colorado, but when dad told us he had gotten some job out there for his wild life biology thingy I thought we'd at least be living close to a big city.

But behold about two weeks ago we pulled into the smallest town I've ever seen. Don't get me wrong, it's beautiful, like I'm living in a forest but there's like nothing there.

Even in November it had already started snowing. I guess that's what you get when you're living at a higher altitude, snow comes way earlier in the year. I only owned one actual coat. It didn't get very cold where I used to live and after stepping one foot out of the car I realized that would have to change. The cold was dry and it bit at my face like tiny spikes. I'm definitely going to have to invest in a warmer coat and some gloves.

I had already gotten my room pretty set up, like my (Fav band/artist) poster on the wall and pictures of me and all my friends from back home taped up or pinned in little frames.
I missed my friends a lot and I prayed that I made friends here fast so I didn't end junior year friendless. That would be embarrassing. I can just hope they aren't all those weird Mormon cult kids or hicks or something like that.

Tomorrow is supposed to be my first day at South Park High and I'm nervous. I'm more scared of the social aspect than the education part. This is a tiny town in buttfuck no where. Who knows if half these kids can even read. But nonetheless I have everything packed and ready to go. Including an outfit which was draped over my chair at my desk.

The sun had set a few hours ago and I was just finishing up drying my hair from the shower. Can't be smelling bad on the first day of school. Gotta make that good impression.

The streets were quiet until a vehicle passed blasting loud music. I jumped up and peered out my window. A large white truck was making its way down the street, the wheels and bumper covered in dried mud and the windows rolled down playing something with heavy bass. One person sat in the drivers seat and the passenger and back seats were filled it looked like a bunch of guys.

I watched it drive away until I couldn't see or hear it anymore. I wondered who that was, hopefully some people my age who weren't complete douches. I didn't even know how many kids went to this school, the population seemed scarce. Hopefully they would be somewhat friendly. There's nothing like starting a new school and being an outcast on the first day. I already was worried that I wasn't going to fit in. I feel like you have to be a certain kind of person to fit into a small, mountain town. And I didn't feel like I exactly fit that criteria. Who knows, I might be wrong. If I didn't like it here, I wouldn't have to stay for long anyways. I'd be a senior next year. Then I could move far away for college or whatever I decided to do after Highschool.

I turned my attention to my cat sitting at the end of the bed. I flopped onto my stomach and stretched out my hands running them through my cats soft fur. I'm glad that I at least got to take (Cats Name) with me. That way even if I didn't make friends I still had someone to keep me company. (C/N) snuggled into my touch, staying heavily asleep. Watching him made me tired and I plugged my phone in and cuddled into my own blankets before flipping of my lamp.

    .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・

A/N: sorry for the shit first chapter but I was just trying to introduce the story. Next ones will be more interesting. Thanks for reading and if anyone has any suggestions for this story go ahead and leave them :)

saudade - a South Park x reader Where stories live. Discover now