Ch. 7 Sleepover

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A/N: longer chapter but content with the girlsss

We pulled into the middle school, waiting in the pick up zone. I had made sure to describe Kenny's truck very well to (b/n). "So you said you had work after this. Where do you work?" I asked. He looked out the windshield. "City Wok. I've worked there for a while now." He told me he liked his job and his boss paid him pretty well because he was such a good worker.After waiting for a bit a girl approached the truck, I'm assuming his sister and she climbed into the back seat. Kenny scrambled to put his cigarette out, flicking it out the window.

"Hey Kare-bear. How was school?" He asked, turning around in his seat. "It was good, today two girls got into a fight." She said leaning forward to talk to him.

Soon after she got in my brother approached the truck. Kenny poked his head out the window. "Mr. (L/n) your lift has arrived." He told him in a British accent. My brother looked at him with a confused face. I leaned over, trying to peer out the drivers window. "Dude, get in the back." He opened the door and when him and Kenny's sister made eye contact he smiled a little. "Oh- Hey Karen." He said closing the door.

I turned around as Kenny started to drive off. "You two know each other?" I questioned.

They both nodded. "We have some classes together." Karen told me. "Oo that's fun. I hope (b/n) has been being nice to you...he can be a little jerk."

"Oh he's been nice, don't worry." She assured me with a smile. Kenny asked my brother about his day, asking him if he'd seen the fight, trying to get more details. I laughed at his desperate need for details about middle school drama. Every now and then I'd interrupt to give directions.

Soon he had pulled up to our house. "Well Karen, you'll have to come over and hang out with (b/n) some time." Kenny stuck his lip out fake pouting when I said that.

"Wow I've been here two days and you're already offended I'm not inviting you over? Fine you can come too Kenny." I joked.

I thanked Kenny for the ride and got out. He waved as he drove off.

"Are you nice to that girl?" I asked my brother, while I unlocked the door.

"I promise I am. I feel bad for her." He told me.

I pushed open the door and looked at him. "What do you mean you feel bad for her. She seems like normal middle schooler."

"Well I guess she gets made fun of because her family is the poorest in the school. Like really poor." He explained. I stopped for a second. I never really noticed that about Kenny. I mean then again, I've known the dude for less than 48 hours. "Huh."

"We'll keep being nice to her and if she needs anything, let her know we can help out."

I went upstairs to my room, thinking about what my brother had said. I guess Kenny's clothes were kind of old and his shoes were worn out but he didn't seem like he came from a place with barley any money. I pushed the thought away as I laid down on my bed. I was so tired.


The first week of school went by so fast. I sat with those boys at lunch for the rest of the week, getting to know each a little better. I learned that Kyle had a little brother and Stan had an older sister. I also learned that Cartman only lived with his mom and had a half brother somewhere out there, who he hadn't seen since he was about 9. They were really fun to be around and I felt comfortable talking to them. There wasn't a bunch of awkwardness like I was expecting when I moved out here.

saudade - a South Park x reader Where stories live. Discover now