Ch. 13 Zig-Zags

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Tw for abuse and violence mentions. and weed!! If uncomfortable I'd reccomend skipping this chapter :)

That next week my phone started buzzing after school around 8.I glanced at my screen to see Kenny calling me on Instagram.

"Hey Kenny, what's up?" I asked answering.

I heard a sniff from the other line. "Are you busy?" He asked weakly.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "No, I'm not doing anything. What do you need? What's wrong?"

"I need to get out. Want to go on a drive with me?" He asked, the connection slightly glitching.

"Of course, I'd love to."

"Great, I'll be there soon." He told me hanging up.

After a bit his big white truck pulled into the driveway and I ran out before he could come up to the porch. I swung open the door and climbed into the large truck.

"Hey Kenny, you okay?" You sounded kinda off on the phone." I pointed out. I glanced over at him. He had a baseball cap on and his eyes were focused, looking out the windshield. He didn't even turn his head to look when backing up.

"Yeah, m' alright." He shrugged.I bit my lip not sure if I should say anything about the lack of movement. We drove in silence for a bit.

"Kenny, pull over." I said blankly after a minute.

"Uh, okay." He did as he was told pulling over the the side of the road. The sun was setting and the sky was an array of oranges and pinks. It was gorgeous.

Kenny put the car into park, still refusing to turn his head.

I reached over putting my hand on the side of his face, turning his head for him. His neck was stiff and he resisted a little. When we met eyes I gasped a little.

His left eye was bruised and a little swollen. "Oh my god Kenny, what happened." I exclaimed. I unbuckled, leaning forward and tried to examine his eye.

"Oh you know, my dad got drunk after a stressful day and decided to make it my problem." He shrugged.

"Oh Kenny.." I sighed. "How often does this happen?" I pried.

"Not a whole lot. Don't worry about it. I didn't mean to worry you, I just wanted to get away from the house and everyone's busy so I thought we could spend some time together." He rushed.

"Sorry, it's hard not to worry when you show up with a black eye." I argued.

"I know it's cold but I wanted to take you somewhere cool. We don't have to get out or anything." He said.

"Yeah okay, let's do that."

I could tell he didn't want to talk about it anymore and I felt bad asking questions.

He signaled back onto the road and kept driving. He turned on the radio quietly playing some old country music. After a while of driving we started to reach the woods by starke pond. We drove down the bumpy dirt road, the car jostling around the whole time.

We drove on silence and I looked out the window, admiring the pretty scenery. He pulled off to the side of the road next to another small lake. It was definitely smaller than Starks pond but still pretty.

"About 15 yards that way is this abandoned like tree clubhouse thing. N' usually when it's warmer I'll go hang out there when I need to get away." He told me sitting back and stopping the car.

The water on the small pond was still and there was a lot of shrubbery surrounding it.

"Open my glove compartment, will ya?" He asked.

saudade - a South Park x reader Where stories live. Discover now