Ch. 6 waffles and cigarettes

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By the next morning Wendy had found my instagram and had followed me. I'm assuming what were some of her friends has also followed me too. They were all so gorgeous.

Turns out my brother had made some friends at his new school too. I was glad to hear he was getting along with other kids because he had a history of getting in fights and physical altercations back home. I had come home and finished up notes, wishing I had grabbed at least one of the boys number or instagram accounts but later that night I had a chance to call my best friend, (bsf/n) and tell them all about the new people I had met earlier.

This morning the house was actually alive by 6. My mom had work off so she decided decided make breakfast for me and (b/n) I sat at the kitchen counter, spinning back and forth on a barstool.

"You know, apparently a kid your age lives next door to us." She told me.

"With the size of this town someone my age probably lives across the street too." I retorted.

She picked up a towel and lightly hit me with it in a joking way. "No I mean, maybe you should go over and introduce yourself. It might be a cute boyyy." She said, raising her eyebrows before turning to grab plates. I rolled my eyes at her.

"Well isn't the town having that Thanksgiving event in like two weeks or something? I'll just wait until then to get to know everybody." I assured her.

"Well as long as you've already made some friends I won't push you too much." (B/n) came running down the stairs, throwing his bag on the ground. "I'm sooo hungryyy." He whined.

My mom plated some waffles sliding it towards him, where he had taken a seat at the counter next to me.

This was weird. We never all sat together and ate breakfast. I guess since we moved mom and dad were trying to make us all spend more time together.

They had almost gotten divorced a few months before we moved but I guess a change of scenery was also supposed to help their marriage. Leaving behind whatever was such a big block between them.

Me and (b/n) ate while mom chatted with us about school. I guess my dad had already left for work earlier and she didn't have to leave for her shift until 10. She offered to drop us off at school when I tried to protest that we wouldn't have a way home she told us we could just take the bus.

So we piled into her old SUV and headed to school. She dropped (b/n) off first and then me, giving me a kiss on the forehead before telling me to have a good day.

School was fine. In first period I gave Wendy back her notebook and thanked her again. She complimented my sneakers and told me I'd have to go shopping with her and her friends sometime soon. I was so down. Kyle walked me to my second class even though I knew my way around already, he told me he liked it walking me to class and so I didn't comment anymore on it.

The school wasn't very big so I didn't take much brain power to find everything. In third period Jimmy introduced me to his friend Craig who I figured out I had a very similar music taste to. He wasn't bad looking either. The three of us ended up doing more talking than actual work. I figured out they were close to that Tweek guy I was told about yesterday morning. And at lunch I split off again to go sit with Kyle and his friends, waving goodbye to the two boys.

I got my food and this time I sat down quietly by Kenny. They were discussing something so I quietly sat, careful not to interrupt their conversation. Kenny noticed me sit down and smiled at me, flashing his gapped teeth. "Hiii (y/n)" Stan said leaning down the table and waving. Kyle and Cartman both greeted me too.

"How's your second day going?" Cartman asked me.

"It's been fine. Just the same as yesterday. But I have to take the bus home." I sighed.

saudade - a South Park x reader Where stories live. Discover now