Ch 2. Your mom is my other ride

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I woke up to the Zelda theme interrupting my dreams and the underside if my pillow vibrating. I hit dismiss and rubbed my eyes. Faint grey light was glowing from underneath my blinds. I didn't want to go to school, I was too tired. The house was quiet too making me even less motivated to get out of bed. I lie  there for a few minutes stretching and waking myself up before flinging myself out of bed. I got started on getting ready for the day, making sure to wear a warm sweater ontop of the long sleeve shirt I was already going going be wearing because of the bitter weather. My phone buzzed while I was getting my pants on and I leaned over to see the screen. It was a text message from one my my friends back home wishing me luck. God, I miss her.

Maybe during the summer I could take a trip back home or if I ended up liking it here, they could come out to visit me.

A knock on my door interrupted my thoughts. "Come in." I said fastening the button on my jeans. My dad poked his head in. "I'm about to take off for work but just so you know, when you get to school this morning you have a meeting with the counselor so you can get your schedule printed and a tour of the place." He told me.

"Okay, thanks"

He wished me luck before closing the door and heading out to his car. I watched him back out and drive away down the street.

I misjudged how much time I would need to get ready. Here I was sitting on my bed ready to go and I still had over 30 minutes before I had to leave the house. I had to give my little brother a ride on the way but by now I could hear that he had gotten up and was brushing his teeth in the bathroom. Maybe we could stop for coffee or something on the way. I made my way over to the bathroom door. "Hey (brothers name) if you hurry up we can stop by and get coffee on our way. I'll payyyy." I offered in a sing-song voice. He agreed and hurried, quickly getting his stuff together. I grabbed my keys and headed downstairs to put on my boots. Luckily, my dad had bought both me and my brother a brand new pair of warm snow snow boots to wear. I guess wearing my old sneakers or converse with holes in the heels wasn't going to fly during the cold season here.

We headed out to the car and luckily it hadn't snowed last night so I didn't have to scrape any snow off, just some ice, which most of it I could just defrost. We sat in the car shivering in our coats and I tried to warm it up as quickly as I could. My breath came out of my mouth in a puff of white even in the car. As soon as it had warmed up a bit and I could see out of the front windshield I backed out and headed into town. Me and (b/n) scanned the buildings looking for someplace that would sell coffee.

"There!" (B/N) shouted. I squinted reading the sign. 'Tweek Bros. Coffee'. Perfect. I pulled into the small parking lot in the back and we headed inside. Oh my god, I wanted to stay there forever. As soon as we walked in we were greeted by warmth and the smell of coffee. Soft lofi-type music played quietly and the shop was occupied by a few customers. A pretty woman sat at the counter wearing an apron. "Welcome to Tweek bros. I'll take your order when you're ready." She told us in a sweet voice. I nodded at her. When we had decided she took our order for to-go and handed it to the other person standing at the counter. It was a man who seemed to be about her age.

"Are you two visiting? This is a small town and I've never seen you around here before." The woman asked. I shook my head. "We actually moved here recently." I told her.

She smiled. "Oh well that's wonderful. Welcome to South Park, I'm sure you'll enjoy it here. Are you both students?" I nodded. I pointed to my brother. "He's in middle school and I'm in my junior year." The man working on our drinks turned towards us. "Junior?" I nodded in response. "Oh our son Tweek is a junior too." He told me. Tweek? What kind of name is that. I'd hate my parents forever if they named me some bullshit like that. "Oh is that who your your shop is named after?" I asked. The woman chuckled. "Kind of. It's actually after our last name." I raised an eyebrow. "So your son is named Tweek Tweak?" I asked confirming it with her. She nodded. "He's quite a sweet boy, I'm sure he'd love to be friends if your interested. He's got messy blonde hair and bright blue eyes." His mother told me as I handed her cash. What the hell. Okay naming your son Tweek is one thing but giving his the same first and last name is a whole different kind of fucked up.

I smiled at her as she handed us our coffees. "I'll keep an eye out for him, he sounds like I nice kid." I said before thanking them and leaving. We stepped outside the building and my brother started giggling. "Tweek Tweak? Are his parents okay?" I shook my head at him. "Hey, be nice. I'm sure he's a great kid." I said hitting the back of his head lightly. We got back in the car and headed towards the middle school.

I dropped him off and reminded him to meet with his counselor, just like I had to do with mine. I started on my way to the Highschool. On my way I noticed at the stop sign the truck in front of me was the same one I saw last night. The dirty bumper and this time I noticed the collection of stickers on it. I giggled at the 'my other ride is your mom' sticker. Who was this guy. I followed behind him, and turns out whoever it is does go to the Highschool. He took off to find a parking spot while I slowly made my way around trying to find a space to park that wouldn't be taking someone else's. I don't know why teenagers are so aggressive when people take the parking spot that they claimed even though it isn't really theirs. I found one farther away from the others, assuming everyone would be parking closer to the school. I parked and took a deep breath sinking into my seat. The anxiety was starting to get to me and I had to take a few deep breaths to calm myself down. I got this I thought to myself. I closed my eyes, taking one last deep breath before heading Inside.

.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.

A/N: heyyy thanks for reading. Hopefully this chapter was a bit more entertaining. Once I start introducing the characters it will get better. Just trying to ease into it.

Who do u guys think owns the white truck? 😏😏😏
Thanks for reading. Feel free to leave comments or suggestions.

saudade - a South Park x reader Where stories live. Discover now