Ch. 15 cooking club

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(A/N!!!!!: guys I'm sorry it's been like a whole year. I started college, being a pre-nursing student is harder than I thought. I went through friendships, friend breakups and gained a super awesome boyfriend and friend group. But alas, I am home for the summer and I hopefully shall continue writing. I'm sorry to keep you all waiting so long. I will be back to posting regularly as soon as I remember how to use this app fully again.)

I waited outside my class for Tweek to come find me. He finally convinced me to join him and Craig for the next cooking club meeting.

I waved goodbye to Kyle before slinging my backpack over my shoulder waiting for him to show up. Soon enough I saw him weaving against the current of people. He approached me and gave me a small smile. "Ready?" He asked. I nodded. He guided me through the halls into the home ec class. He was a scrawny kid who was really jittery. I mean really. He was always fidgeting or touching something. Whenever he wore buttons shirts sometimes the buttoning would be off or only half of it would be tucked in.

"We usually meet in here" He told me pushing the door open and holding it for me. I walked in and only saw a few kids I recognized. There weren't a lot of people there to begin with. I spotted Craig at the corner of the room looking down at his phone. "I-ak I'm the president so I have to get us started but you can go sit back with Craig if you want." I nodded. "Alright" and went to the back table to sit down. I pulled out the chair next to the tall boy. He looked up from his phone.

"Can I sit here?" I asked setting my backpack down.

He nodded at me "you don't have to ask" He responded in his usual monotone voice.

He was wearing his usual blue hat paired with a dark nasa hoodie.

Tweek got everyone's attention and started to explain the procedures for the activity. I guess we were making cupcakes today. Craig barley glanced up as he Tweek spoke. Tweek called up the vice president to help set things up and pass out recipes. Then he walked over to us walked over to us. "Wanna group up with me and Craig?" He asked. I nodded. "Yes please. I recognize some people but I don't know them as well as I know you guys."

We made our way to a kitchen. It was a squared countered in area with an oven, a sink and cupboards. Each club needed a teacher supervisor and ours was walking around the room making sure everyone was grouped. Ingredients were set up on one of the counters and all of the equipment we'd need was laid out on our station. "I had to come here early and set up." Tweek beamed. I smiled. "It looks really good." I commented looking over the recipe. It seemed pretty simple. Basic stuff.

Craig stood leaning against the counter towering over us with his hands in his pockets. He was the tallest kid in our grade, making everyone else seem small.

"Let's get started." Tweek scanned the paper mumbling to himself quietly about the ingredients before picking up a bowl. "Let's put it all in here."

Me and Tweek took turns putting dry ingredients in one bowl and wet in the other, after that he handed off the bowls to Craig to mix them.

"Is this the only club you've been too?" Tweek asked me as we leaned against the counter. I nodded. "Yeah, no one else was as persistent as you" I chuckled. Craig looked over his shoulder at us. "You should come check out the astronomy club." He suggested.

"Okay, maybe I will." I smiled back. I had learned that Craig was really into space. After hanging out with him it was kind of obvious.

"Well were there any clubs that interested you?" Tweek asked fidgeting with his hands. I shrugged. "Uh I'm actually not sure..." I thought about it. "I kinda wanted to get a little active or do some type of instrument or something"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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