Ch. 11 Guitar Queer-o

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((A/N: SORRY for this chapter being so late, I graduated then had family over then my boss started scheduling more hours etc etc. I didn't have time to proof read and edit till today. Enjoy!!))

Finally I had made it through testing and it was Thanksgiving break. I think because of Kyle's help I had done pretty good on the history test.

This morning, I had slept in as long as I could before my mom came in telling me to get up. She only let me sleep in until around 10:30.

It was Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving. Stan had DMed me last night asking if I wanted to hang out with him and the guys later because he didn't have hockey practice.

I guess Kyle said he would join us later that day because he was trying out for varsity basketball. I didn't know he was into sports, but I guess I should've assumed from the abundance of basketball posters on his bedroom wall.

I got ready for the day, brushing my teeth and drying my hair from my shower. Kenny told me he'd pick me up around 1. We were supposed to meet at the park and figure out what to do.

"Sooo, you seem to be going out a lot already." A voice said behind me. I jumped a little, startled. It was my dad leaning against the door frame.

"I've only been out like three times." I said focusing back on brushing my teeth.

"So you've been making good friends then?" He asked, continuing to try and make conversation.

"Yeah, they're good friends. I'm actually going to leave soon to hang out with them." I told him.

"Where are you guys going?"

I shrugged "were gonna figure it out. If you're done, I'd like to get back to brushing my teeth." I said closing the door on him.

Me and my dad didn't always get along. We were okay for the most part but when he started instigating and asking questions, he was just looking for something to get upset about.

I finished getting ready and Kenny pulled up around 1:15. I could hear him before he even pulled up to the driveway. The sound of the music he blasted, filled the quiet streets.

I grabbed my bag heading out the door. "Bye guys I'll see you later." I called.

"Is someone here to pick you up?" My dad asked, wandering into the living room.

"Yeah, he's giving me a ride" I told him.

"He?" He questioned, crossing his arms.

"Yes dad, boy. I'm going to go hang out with a bunch of guys. Goodbye." I groaned opening the door.

My lucky day. Kenny was already standing on the porch. "Your ride is here." He grinned. He was wearing a scotch hat on and had on the under layer of his orange parka.

"Is this the boy you're hanging out with?" My dad asked getting a better view. I could already hear the judgment in his voice.

I leaned towards Kenny. "Run. Let's go, let's go." I whispered. He turned around and ran down the porch steps, me in tow.

"Bye dad, love you." I called, running to Kenny's running truck. We hopped in and he quickly pulled out.

"What was that? I was just trying to be a gentleman and come get you." He huffed jokingly while turning down the radio.

"My dad's asking too many questions today. And he's always got a problem with my friends" I said looking out the window. The last thing I needed today was him sitting Kenny down and asking him a bunch of questions that my dad would probably not enjoy the answers to.

saudade - a South Park x reader Where stories live. Discover now