Ch. 4 Getting beat up by girls

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A/N: YOOOOO!! Thank you so much for all the votes and nice comments. It's really motivating me to keep Writing!! ALSO!! Just because I'm a little more conformable with writing some stuff I'm deciding to age them up to seniors. I Enjoy the chapter! <3

My next two classes were kind of boring. I talked to some people and made some friends? I don't know if I'd necessarily call them friends yet but I was getting there. They're was a really funny kid named Jimmy that sat next to me in third period. He had crutches and a little bit of a stutter. But he helped me fill out the organ part of my anatomy chart, making stupid inappropriate jokes that made me giggle. After class, he showed me to the lunch room, also offering me a place to sit. I told him I was already sitting with someone else, but thanked him anyways.

After he had left to to sit with his friends I scanned the cafeteria. It was crowded and noisy. I could see different groups of kids but there didn't necessarily seem to be any defined cliques. I looked around until until spotted Kyle's red hair and I made my way around the tables to him.

He was sitting at the table with a group of boys. He was arguing with the bigger boy from earlier, his voice nearly jumping an octave higher while he screeched at the boy in the beanie. I put my hand over my mouth to stifle my giggles. Some of the boys started to look at me which got Kyle's attention. He stopped talking and turned towards me. "Oh- hey." He waved sheepishly.

"Is my invitation to sit with you still open?" I asked, holding my tray. He nodded. "Of course, guys this is (y/n) it's their first day." I looked over the boys at the table, taking them in. One of the boys had shaggy black hair and a blue and red beanie. He flashed a small smile at me revealing braces. The other had shaggy mullet-like blonde hair and an orange jacket on. He looked insanely undredressed for the weather with ripped jeans and tattered converse. Kyle scooted over and i sat between him and the black haired boy.

"Next to you is Stan and that's Kenny." He said pointing to the blonde boy. The blonde boy winked at me and I raised an eyebrow back.

I looked to the black haired boy. So that's the Stan that dated Wendy. "So you're new to South park?" The dark haired boy- Stan asked. I nodded. "Yupp. I've only been here for like two weeks or so."

"No offense but what made you want to move here. It isn't the most appealing of places." Kenny said leaning forward on his elbows. I shrugged taking a bite of my lunch. "My dad does this wildlife biology stuff and I guess this was the place that was going to pay him the most or something." Stan nodded next to me. "Yeah my dad does geology and I guess it was the same case for him." I turned towards him. "Ooo geology sounds cool."

He shrugged, picking something out of his braces. "I guess, he hasn't been taking as many hours with it since his business started booming."

Kenny giggled a little and I looked between the two. "What's so funny? What type of business does he do?"

"Oh Stan's dad owns a weed farm. And he thinks he's soooo much better than everyone else now." Cartman interrupted. Kyle shot him a look I raised an eyebrow at Stan. "Dude that's kinda sick." Stan smiled shaking his head trying to ignore Cartman. "Yeah I mean, I get all the free weed I want. As long as my dad doesn't find out I'm stealing product. But I had to move farther away and it suck's to get to school sometimes and I get to see these guys less."

I frowned offering my sympathy towards him.

"So (y/n), is Kyle the only person you've gotten to know besides us today?" Cartman asked.

"Well I've met some other people but I guess he's the one that I've been talking to the most. He's really been helping me out today." I told them. "I've met Wendy and Jimmy. They're both pretty cool."

I watched Stan and Kyle make eye contact when I mentioned Wendy. "Oh yeah. Wendy's pretty cool. Just you know, make sure to stay on her good side." Stan warned. Kenny laughed. "He's just saying that because she's kicked almost everyone in this groups ass." He sat back crossing his arms and smirking. "Not mine though." I raised an eyebrow at him. "Wow sounds pretty weak dude. Getting your ass kicked by a girl." I commented. Cartman started laughing. "She's been here five minutes and she's already ripping on you dude."

Stan flipped him the finger. "Shut up fatass. Remember the time she rocked your shit?" Kyle leaned over. "The time? Hasn't there been multiple occasions where she's made him cry like a baby?" He laughed. Cartman furrowed his brows. "Hey you guys better shut the fuck up." He blazed. He and Kyle went back to bickering back and forth. I looked towards Kenny.

"Do they always do this or something?" He rolled his eyes. "Dude like every day for years and years. I don't understand why they still hang out with each other." He stated.

"So you've all known each other for a while then?" I presumed. "Oh yeah." Stan said. "We've literally all grown up with each other. Most of our parents are friends too."

"You get to know everyone while living in this town." Kenny added. Ew gross. One of those small towns where you can't escape anything because everyone knows your business.

I chatted with Stan and Kenny until the bell rang for fourth period. Turned out we somehow all had it together. History with Garrison. "Ooohhh you'll really like this guy." Kenny said sarcastically while peeking over my shoulder at my schedule. He smacked on his gum near my ear making me shudder and push him away a little. "Dude that tickles." I said shoving his shoulder a little.

Stan threw his fork at him. "Kenny it's too early for you to be perving on the new kid." He said putting his tray on the cart. Kenny threw his hands up. "Hey, they put their hands on me." He said giving me another wink. I rolled my eyes and followed them to class.

Mr Garrison's class was definitely interesting. I felt like the history he was teaching was definitely not coming from a school approved list but I wasn't complaining, it was entertaining. At the end class we had a few minutes to talk. Kyle turned around in his seat towards me. "Have you explored this town at all?" He asked. "No I've only been to the Tweek's coffee shop. I haven't really been out of the house too much since I moved. I've been unpacking and all that fun stuff."

"Oh have you met Tweek yet? He's the owners son. He's pretty cool." Kyle said. Stan turned towards us, interrupting. "We should take them to Starks Pond later." He suggested. Kyle nodded. "Yeah after school wanna go get food and we can all show you around?" He asked. I mean I didn't have anything planned and my mom was supposed to pick my brother up today. I shrugged. "Sure why not."

"We can take my truck." Kenny told us. Kyle looked at my schedule again. "Okay I'll meet you after your next class and I'll take you to Kenny's truck."

"Did you drive here?" Kenny asked. I nodded. "Okay, I can drop you back off at your car later, if that's chill." He said brushing his hair out of his face. I agreed. After the bell rang we packed up our things and the guys said goodbye to me. Was I actually starting to make friends? I just hoped I had been doing what Mr. Mackey had advised and I was talking to the right people.

.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.

A/N: I hope these chapters are long enough. I've been writing them during school and finishing them up after work or when I get time. Sorry it's taking so long for the interesting parts to get introduced, rushed stories just annoy me sometimes. I hope y'all are enjoying though. As always feel free to comment or leave suggestions. Fanks for reading.

ALSO: I am a teenage Kenny with a mullet-ish cut and braces Stan Truther. Shelly did not have all that head gear just for Stan to have naturally straight teeth.

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