Ch. 3 Mkay

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I walked into the school looking at the campus map I had printed out. I navigated my way towards the counselors office. Once I had found it I knocked on the door. "Come in." I opened the door, peering in. "You uh must be the new student I was told about." A man sitting at the desk told me. I nodded, walking in and closing the door behind me. I looked around the office, reading the name plate on his desk. 'Mr. Mackey'

"You can take a seat right there, mkay." He told me gesturing to the chair in front of his desk. I did as I was told, setting my bag on the ground next to me. He turned to his computer peering over his glasses and typing on his keyboard for a moment. "Mkay, you're (f/n l/n) right?" He asked, keeping his eyes on the screen. I nodded. "Uh yes sir."

"Let's see here (f/n l/n)" he mumbled under his breath while scrolling. He clicked around for a bit before turning to me. "We don't get many new students here so I'm sure you'll be very popular with the rest of the kids." He told me. He turned to his printer and waited for some papers to print. He took them before turning his chair back to me and sliding the papers towards me. "Right there is your map and some school information mkay?" I nodded

He explained a little about some of the classes I'd be taking to me and what I should expect. He gave me the bell schedule and the time for lunch and dismissal. By the time he was done the starting bell had already rung. He turned to the phone on his desk, picking it up and punching some numbers in. "You can go ahead and send Kyle in here now. I think we're about ready." He spoke into the phone. Who the hell is Kyle? Now I have a good student coming in to show you around mkay." As he said that the door opened and a boy walked in. He was tall and had messy red, curly hair and wore a green jacket.

"This is Kyle Broflovski, he'll be showing you around" the school counselor told me as he handed my my schedule, hot off the printer. I took it scanning the classes. Most of them were the same classes I had been taking at my last school. "We tried to match your classes with what you had been taking before you moved. Some of the classes were full so we tried to put you in as similar classes as we could." He told me.

"And just make sure to be mindful of who you chose to associate yourself with Mkay? We don't want you falling into the around crowd"

He dismissed us and I followed the redhead into the hallway. "I'm Kyle." He told Golding out his hand. A handshake? Really? I hesitated before shaking it. "I'm, uh (y/n)" I responded. "Well welcome to South Park. I won't sugar coat anything, It kind of sucks but it's also not that bad, there's a lot of chill people here." He told me. I nodded. "Let me see that." He said pointing to my schedule. "Oh yeah." I handed him the paper. He scanned over it. "Okay we actually have some classes together. Like first period. We both have AP language arts." He told me. "We can start there and after class, I'll show you to your next one." I thanked him and followed as he walked down the empty halls. We walked up the the door and turned to me. "This is Mrs. Hughes class. It's really not that bad and in my opinion it's pretty easy for an AP class."

He opened the door for me and I thanked him as I stepped inside. He followed and closed the door behind me. At the front of the room a woman was giving a lecture. The students attention had turned when we walked in. Great. I mean it's a small town and Mr. Mackey did say they didn't get new students often but I didn't like the attention of everyone in the room watching me. Mrs. Hughes turned to look at us. "Hey Mrs. H, we have a new student. This is (y/n)." Kyle said ushering me forward a bit. "Hi." I waved. She set her piece of chalk down. Holy shit how poor was this school to still be using chalk boards.

"Welcome to South Park (y/n). I hope you've been enjoying it so far. Would you like to introduce yourself at all?" She asked, leaning against her desk. My cheeks grew red as all the eyes in the class were on me. "Uh well.. no thank you." I mumbled turning away from the kids. One larger kid in the corner started snickering and I saw Kyle shoot him a look. "That's alright, how about you take the empty seat behind Kyle." She said I nodded following Kyle over to his desk, which unfortunately was next to the kid who was laughing at me. Kyle noticed me stiffen and he turned to me whispering. "That's Cartman. Don't be afraid of him. He likes to act tough but he's just a big pussy." He smiled. I couldn't help but smile at that comment. I sat behind him and followed what everyone else was doing and pulled out a notebook.

"Pssst." I turned to my left where a girl with black hair was trying to get my attention. I raised my eyebrows at her. "We're just taking notes." She whispered to me. "Leave half your page blank and I'll give you the notes you missed after class" she told me. I thanked her and pulled out a pen, following the rest of the class. People were already being nice. Maybe it wasn't going to be so bad.

First period went by quickly. Soon the teachers lecture was over and I was packing away my things. That boy- I think his name was Cartman would not shut up during class. Laughing about something stupid or saying something insulting about the teacher quietly to himself or his friends. The girl who sat next to me came up with her notebook. "You can just take it home with you and bring it back tomorrow. I won't need if for the rest of the day." She stated I thanked her. "I'm Wendy by the way."

"I'm (y/n)" I responded. "If you need anyone to sit with at lunch you're welcome to sit with me and some of my friends." she offered. I smiled and thanked her again. She wished me good luck and we said our goodbyes and she left me with Kyle who was standing next to my desk talking to Cartman. "I'll catch you later man, I'm just showing (y/n) to her classes."

"Wendy's pretty nice, my friend Stan dated her for a few years." He said turning his attention to me. "What was the next class on your schedule?" I glanced at the paper. "Uhhh looks like biology?" I told him handing him the paper. I followed him out of the class and through the halls. Now they were more crowded and I could see there were infact a lot more students than I thought.

"Okay, so this is second period and that door right there-" he said pointing a little bit down the hallway. "Room B07 is your third. And after that is lunch" I nodded. "Thanks again for all your help. I'd seriously be lost and screwed if it wasn't for you." He smiled. His cheeks reddening a little. "No problem." He started to turn away but stopped. "Uh also if you want, me and my friends usually sit in the cafeteria for lunch. If you need some familiar faces to sit with, you can come over and sit with us."

"Thanks, I might just have to take you up on that offer." I said flashing a smile at him before walking through the door of my next class.

.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.

A/N: thanks for reading this chapter 😘I hope it was bearable. I've been writing in my notes app during my free time in class lol. Anyways, I hope you guys like Kyle so far. I just picture him and this nerdy and awkward guy as a teenager when you first get to know him...idk I feel like he'd be big into DnD or something.

Anyways next chapter will hopefully be a bit more interesting. Feel free to leave comments or suggestions, don't me silent readers 😘

saudade - a South Park x reader Where stories live. Discover now