Ch. 12 Butters, my buddy

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(A/N) summers ending up to be more busy than I thought so thank you for patiently waiting for chapters. Enjoy!

Thanksgiving had gone and passed. It was okay. My family had never been big on celebrating it so we just had a slightly fancier than normal dinner and told everyone at the table we were all thankful for each other. Then the night ended with my mom getting drunk and passing out on the couch and me and my brother playing video games.

Thank god, because after all that drinking, my mom and dad had been getting a little too touchy and I was not about to stick around to hear how it ended.

Also, it turns out Black Friday is HUGE in South Park. My mom invited me to go with her early the next morning but there was no fucking chance I was waking up at 4 on my day off to wait in line and get trampled by people. I was a cyber Monday type of person.

She got some good deals on some shit we'd probably never use but she was happy about it so whatever pleases her I guess.

Today was Saturday, the morning of the towns little post-thanksgiving get together. My mom made sure we all looked very presentable because it was our first time going to a town function and meeting the people there. She wanted us to make a good impression.

"Remember" she turned around from the drivers seat. "Use your manners and be respectful."

We got out and walked to the city hall building. "I met the neighbors the other day and the wife is just lovely. Her name is Linda Stotch and she's got a cute little son your age." She whispered to me. "You should talk to him. He's very polite."

"I'll try mom." I told her shrugging her off as she tried to fix my hair.

The building was filled with lots of people and a little buffet line with random foods. My mom put the tub of homemade brownies in an empty spot by the desserts.

She held onto my dads hand, pretending they were a happy couple. "Here I see Linda and Stephen over there, come." She dragged us over to the couple, the woman sipping some type of wine. She had short blonde hair in a blunt cut. She was very pretty though. Her husband sat next to her drinking a beer.

"Linda, Stephen!" My mom greeted waving them.

Linda smiled waving us over. "Oh this must be the family, come sit." She motioned.

We sat down at the round table. "(Dads name), can I get you a beer?" Stephen asked. "That'd be great, thank you." Stephen went off to the coolers to grab him a drink.

"So these are your darling children. (Y/n) and (b/n), right?"

My mom nodded. "Yes these are my two babies." She pinched my brothers cheek and he jerked his head away.

"(Y/n), I've got a son your age around here you should meet. He's a very sweet boy, I promise." She looked around. "Oh where did he go."

Suddenly Stephen came back, a teenage-blonde haired boy followed behind in tow.

"Oh this is my pride and joy, Leopold." Linda said gesturing to the boy following his father.

"Butters this is (y/n), they're the neighbor that's your age."

"Wull Hello." He said giving me a small smile.

My mom gave me a motion with her head basically telling me to take him and get out of their hair.

"Wanna go get something to drink?" I asked him.

"Sure!" He was taller than me but gave off the least intimidating energy ever. We went over to the drink coolers and I opened the lid. I searched through until I found a drink I liked and he did the same, pulling out a can of sprite.

saudade - a South Park x reader Where stories live. Discover now