Ch. 10 Mario Kart

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"I'm going to kick your ass." Ike said, jamming the buttons trying to keep up with my car.

"Hey, don't be using language like that, you're too young." I warned.

Ike scowled, shooting me a glare. "Come on, I'm almost there."

I leaned forward. "Ohmygodohmygod." I held my breath.

"Eat my dust little Broflovski!" I shouted as my car crossed the finish line.

"Hell yeah." I turned to him, sticking out my tongue.

He crossed his arms setting his controller down. Out of the corner of his eye he watched the characters on the screen. Mine was cheering while his was crying. "Whatever, I still won more games than you."

"Yeah, but I won the last one. That's the most important one." I said matter-o-factly.

"Oh Ike, it looks like you've also made friends with Kyle's little friend from school." Kyles mom walked into the living room where me and Ike were seated on the couch.

"I'm just taking a break from studying, Kyle's wearing me out." I told her.

"My bubbie is so disciplined with his school work, he works way to hard." She said proudly.

"Ugh, he does. Definitely not the same lifestyle as me." I agreed

Kyle came down the stairs, he had changed into shorts and a long Grey t-Shirt. He wore bright blue socks with little gold fish on it. Hey, I didn't know we were playing dress up." I said placing the controller on the coffee table.

"Those socks are actually so sick though."

"Haha, very funny (y/n). Did you and Ike have fun?" He asked jokingly rolling his eyes.

"Ike's a lot of fun, almost more fun than you."

Kyles jaw snapped open and he narrowed his eyes.

"I said almost Kyle." I reassured him.

"Thanks for making me take a break." I said turning to Ike. I held out my fist and he bumped it with his.

"Kyle, please invite (y/n) Over again. Next time I'm showing you some of my other games". Ike told me.

I got up from the couch. "Deal."

"You know." Mrs. Broflovski called from the kitchen.

"I could use a sitter for Ike later this month." She continued, poking her head out of the kitchen.

"Oh I'd love to watch Ike. We had a lot of fun." I told her.

"Oh that'd be wonderful! I'll make sure to pay you for it too."

I shook my head. "No money, me and Kyle are friends, I'd do anything for my friends, plus Ike doesn't seem that hard to watch over."

Kyle took an apple from the counter, biting into it. "Let us pay you" he pressed, leaning against the counter. "Nah, I'm serious. If it weren't for you I'd be eating my lunch in a bathroom stall alone every day."

He smiled a little. "No you wouldn't, so many people at school like you already, I have to fight everyone off to keep you sitting with us."

"Speaking of which, you'll have to start hanging out with us more after school if you're down."

I leaned against the counter next to him.
"Of course I'm down, you guys are really fun to be around."

I narrowed my eyes. "Even if you and Cartman are fighting the entire time."

"Hey, we've gotten better at getting along. Our personalities just don't click on some things." He defended.

"Whatever, you guys need to learn how to get along."

saudade - a South Park x reader Where stories live. Discover now