Ch. 5 To Starks Pond We Go

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After class Kyle met me by my classroom door. "Thanks for coming to get me." I said slinging my backpack over my shoulder. "No problem. We were thinking of stopping by and getting pizza first, if that's okay with you." I nodded. "Yeah totally." I followed him out of the building. The cold wind nearly knocking the breath out of me when I stepped outside. Kyle seemed to notice and chuckled to himself. "Its pretty cold for November right now. I have an extra jacket in my bag if you need it." He offered.

"I'm okay, I just need to get inside the car and I'll be fine." I assured him. Turns out that white truck I kept seeing was Kenny's. He was already sitting in the driver's seat blasting music with the windows up. Kyle reached over and opened the door for me, and Kenny reached over to turn down the music a bit.

"Sorry you're going to have to be wedged between me and Kenny." He apologized. "Throw your backpack back here" Stan told me reaching his arms out. I did what he said and he tucked it underneath the seat. I sat down in the middle seat in the front between the two boys.

"I think I saw you drive past my house last night." I said turning to Kenny as he backed out, draping his arm behind me across the seat so he could see out the back window. "Oh yeah that was probably me and Eric. I was driving him home." He said stopping abruptly making us all jolt forward.

He rolled down the window. "Move it Donnovan, or else I'm running you over." He shouted out the window.I turned. Behind the truck was a boy with brown hair in a letterman jacket. He grinned and flipped us off through the back window, moving to the side so the truck could get by.

Kenny backed out and the boy came up to the window resting his arms on the door. "Oh Kenny the car with your little boyfriends I see." He said giving him a fist bump. He saw me wedged between them and raised an eyebrow. "You're the new kid right? I think I had fifth hour with you."

"Yeah I remember you. Clyde right?"

He nodded "that's me." He scanned everyone in the truck. "Damn you really chose the biggest losers to hang out with."

Kenny rolled his eyes and shifted his car into drive. "Whatever Clyde, you're just jealous you didn't befriend them first." He pressed on the gas pedal making Clyde step back and we took off through the parking lot. The boys laughed as we drove off.

"So do you guys hate that dude or are you guys just joking around?" I asked. Cartman leaned forward taking a bite of a granola bar. "We don't hate him, we just fuck with eachother." Kyle turned towards him. "Dude were literally five minutes away, what are you eating?" He reached back trying to grab the bar from his hand. Cartman smacked his hand away. "My mom said I'm a growing boy. I need this Kyle." He whined. Stan groaned. "Can you two just shut the hell uppp."

Jesus, they definitely talked a lot. Stan shut Kyle up though, he turned forward crossing his arms. I couldn't help but laugh a little. We pulled into the parking lot and everyone piled out. I guess this was one of the places to hang out after school. There was already a line inside. "Do you know what you want?" Kyle asked me, leaning in a bit. I scanned the menu on the wall. "Hmmmm what's good?" I asked. He squinted a little. "I usually just get two slices of cheese." I bit the inside of my cheek thinking. "Maybe I'll try the cheese then." I decided. When we finally got up to the counter Stan went first. Me and Kyle were last. He went up to the counter and when he finished paying he turned to me. "It's on me."

"What no! You payed for me? You didn't have to do that. I brought money." I distressed. He shook his head, handing me a paper cup for my drink. "It's your first day, let me do something nice." He insisted, shoving his change into the pocket of his coat. I thanked him about a million times. We got our food and sat down at an empty table. There wasn't much room so I was squished between Kenny and Stan, our knees touching. For the first time today whole I had been around them, they were quiet. After everyone had finished we headed back into Kenny's car.

"Off to Starks Pond we go." Kenny said in a sing song voice.

"So what type of things are you into?" Kyle asked after we had been driving for a bit.

I thought for a second. "Uh well I'm into music and comic books." I paused for a second. "I skate a little and play video games. I don't know. I guess I'm just into basic teenager stuff." I shrugged.

Stan leaned over the seat. "Oh sick! You skate?"  I blushed a little. "I mean I can't really do a whole lot of tricks but I can ride it."

"We're gonna have to go to the skate park together sometime."

I watched out the window for the rest of the ride while Kenny sang and Stan, Cartman, and Kyle talked. Somehow this down was dead and alive at the same time. It was itty bitty but there were lots of people walking down the street or driving. When we made it out to Starks pond there were only a few other vehicles parked in the dirt lot. I guess it was a little too cold to be hanging out next to a pond. We all got out of the car again and Kenny led us over to the water. He rocked back on his heels.

"Well, here's South Park's pride and joy." He announced. It was honestly a really pretty scene. Lots of pine trees and in between it- a large lake. I mean it was freezing now but I could tell how it would be the towns hot spot during the summer or spring season. "Wow, it's pretty." I breathed taking it in.

"Yeah usually we just come out here and screw around." Stan said wrapping his jacket around himself tighter. From here I got a better look at the four boys. Kyle was tall and lanky with a hooked nose and curly red hair. Stan was the third tallest, a inches shorter than Kyle. He  was the most tan out of the boys and had shaggy jet black hair poking through his beanie. He had blue eyes, braces and He was more muscular that Kyle. Kenny was taller than Stan but still shorter than Kyle. He had blonde, overgrown hair that took on the form of a mullet. I only had now noticed that he had a small gap between his two front teeth. He had blue eyes as well. Cartman was the shortest of the group. He had brown eyes and light brown hair that peeked through his hat. He had a heavier build than the rest of the boys and a light sprinkle of freckles across the top of his rosy cheeks.

Cartman must've caught me studying them because he waved a hand infront of my face. "Hey stop staring. Didn't your mom ever tell you it's rude?" I blinked, coming back into focus. "Sorry, just thinking."

Kyle and Stan were watching Kenny try to skip rocks across the pond. Most of them weren't making it very far leaving big ripples in the water.

Just then my phone rang. I dug it out of my pocket and answered. "Hello?"

"Y/n? Where are you? Didn't school end over an hour ago?"

Shit it was my mom. I totally forgot to check in with her. "Sorry Mom. I met some kids at school and they were showing me around town." I apologized "I totally forgot to tell you."

"You've already made some friends?" She asked.

"I think so..?"

"Well, I'm glad you're making friends, but please be home soon, you'll have more time to hang out with them later this week." She told me.

"Okay, sorry. I won't be out too late." I promised. I hung up and put my phone away.

"Sorry that was my mom." I said to the boys who had now turned to listen in on my conversation.

"Is everything okay?" Kyle asked. I nodded. "Yeah just forgot to tell her I wasn't coming straight home."

"Should I drive you back to your car?" Kenny asked.

I sighed "Probably."

"We'll just have to show you more another day." Cartman said as we walked back over to the truck.

We made it back to the school and they dropped me back off at my car. I thanked them for the fun day and promised to hang out with them again soon.

I couldn't believe I was already making friends and it was just the first day.

.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.

A/N; hey hey another chapter. I have a lot prewritten so when I have work and can release them and stay on top of chapters. I hoped you enjoyed. Here was another little glimpse of the boys. I haven't even begun to really show their personalities So that will be fun to see.

Anyways, thanks for reading 😘

saudade - a South Park x reader Where stories live. Discover now