Ch. 9 Study Buddies

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Thanksgiving was only a week away witch meant first term testing before the small break. I had only been there three weeks and I felt so unprepared. It's not like the education I was getting here was amazing or anything but I had been learning other things back home.

After school I told Kyle to go on without me because I had to talk to some teachers. Especially Garrison, he taught in such an odd way it was hard for me to understand. Most of the other kids understood him because I guess he had also taught a majority of them when they were younger. I waved goodbye to Kyle as I headed back to my fourth hour class.

He sat at his desk writing down something. "Uh, excuse me Mr. Garrison?" I called, shutting the door behind me. He looked up. "Hey (y/n) what can I do for you?"

"I know the test is next Tuesday and I'm kind of late but I'm a little concerned with how I'm doing in this class." I started.

"Well let's see what your grade is right now." He said turning to his computer and started typing. I stood awkwardly infront of his desk, looking at all the little things placed on it. A picture of him and another man, another of a sunset....

"Well you have a B+ so you're not doing bad." He commented. "If you're looking for help, sometimes kids get together after school for study sessions.." he said still scrolling.

"Or- you're friends with Broflovski right?"

"Oh- uh yes I am."

"Well he's got over 100% in this class so maybe you could get some tutoring help from him. It might be a little more comfortable since you guys are already familiar with each other." He suggested.

"I can talk with him about it tomorrow if you'd like."

I nodded. "Okay, thank you."

"Maybe you should convince Kenny and Eric to also get some tutoring, they're not doing too well in this class." He said.

I smiled a little. "I can try. Thank you Mr. Garrison." I said waving.

It made sense. Cartman and Kenny were almost always talking during class. I don't think I've seen Kenny do any work in that class since I've moved in. I'm not sure he even carries pencils on him.

The next day in school Mr. Garrison called me and Kyle up to his desk after class.

"Kyle, I know you and (y/n) are familiar with each other. They seem to have some anxiety about the upcoming test and I figured since you are the top student, maybe you wouldn't mind helping them study. Or at least give them some tips that work for you." He said sitting back in his chair.

Kyle looked at me. "Dude, I'm always down to help you. You can come over and study with me anytime you want."

"Okay, well that's just perfect. Thank you Kyle." Mr. Garrison dismissed us.

"You can always ask me for help. I'm not the perfect student, but I feel like I do pretty well." Kyle said.

"Sorry, i just don't want to bother you or anything."

Kyle scoffed. "You could never bother me, I promise. How about you come to my house and we can study after school." He suggested.

"That'd be awesome!"

"Okay cool, do you want a ride?" He offered.

I shook my head. "I have to pick up (b/n), and I drove. But I'll be there like 30 minutes after school ends?"

"Okay, sounds good."

At the end of the day he was waiting by my class like usual. "I'll be there around four." I told him. He walked me out to my car, trying to throw snowballs at me on the way there.

saudade - a South Park x reader Where stories live. Discover now