Ch. 14 Losers

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A/N: sooooo sorry for not posting for so long. I didn't expect to be working this Much during summer. I'll try and post another chapter on Friday but I'm moving into my dorm tomorrow so I'll see if I have time to edit and stuff. Thanks for so many reads and being so patient <3


I sat on the floor, playing with my guitar one evening, plucking at the strings. Stan had shown me a video of him playing earlier and I couldn't wait for him to teach me. I ran my fingers up the neck of the guitar pressing down on the frets.

I pressed my fingers to the neck strumming a C chord. I knew a few chords but not enough to really play. (B/n) was hanging out with a friend so it was just me and my dad home. He was downstairs, nursing off of a pack of beer. And I was waiting for a text back from Tweek. I had Dm'ed him about the cooking club meeting because earlier during class he had been very insistent that I attend.

I heard a knock on the door listening before assuming my dad would probably get it. I heard the door open and some muffled voices. I ran my fingers over the strings again and waited until i heard the door shut, then got up to look out the window to see who had come over.

To my surprise an old white Ford truck was pulling out of of driveway with two people in the front.


I ran down the stairs trying to act innocent.

"Did someone knock?" I asked peering over the stair Bannister.

My dad looked up at me scratching his chin and threw a binder onto the coffee table infront of the couch.

My history binder.

"You giving boys homework answers?" He asked his attention on the TV. I stood there while he took a sip of his drink.

"No, I just lent it to a classmate who was absent." I said defensively before coming down to snatch the binder off the table.

"Those the same boys who you've been hanging out with? That truck has been here before." He grumbled.

I tried to play dumb. "I didn't see who it was. What did they look like?"

He huffed. "One was taller and looked like white trash- mullet and baggy clothes. The other was shorter and had dark hair and braces. Both looked like a couple of losers."

"Hmmm" I pretended to think. "Yeah I think I know those guys."

"Yeah well you've gotten out of that truck before so I sure hope you know at least one of them."

I stood in the living room off to the side.

"They don't look like good influences. I moved us down here for two reasons." He stuck up his index finger.

"One. For a better paying job" He stuck up a second finger. "And two, so you and your brother would have a good place to start over. I've seen plenty of good kids around here. Why are you spending time around the ones that look like they smoke crack while skipping class."

I furrowed my eyebrows at his comment.

"Dad they're good guys. Without them I wouldn't have friends here." I explained.

He shook his head. "They look like the type of guys that are pretending to be your friend until they want something more."

"You know, I'm a decent judge of character. I'm not going to hang out with people who I know are shitty." I held my binder close to my chest.

"Be Smart. Find better friends. Surround yourself with people you know are gonna go far. Not end up living in their parents basement at 30."

"I want what's best for you."

I rolled my eyes. "Sure. Whatever... nice talk." I started to head back of the stairs.

My dad never approved of anything I did. Never liked my friends or the way I dressed. Always had a problem with my grades or whatever he had the chance to bitch about. Especially after he had been drinking.

I wish he actually cared about the shit in my life that mattered.

I went back to my room throwing my binder on the bed. I picked up my phone going to message Kenny on Instagram.

Me: thanks for bringing my binder. Sorry if my dad was a bitch.

I sat back down on my room floor sighing. They really were good guys.

My phone buzzed

Kenny: all gud he slammed the door on us lol

no big deal tho

I sighed embarrassed at my dads actions.

Me: I'm rlly sorry. He's been drinking and u know how some people get when they're drunk....

Kenny: dont apologize it's ok. Next time I'll just bring flowers and chocolate when i drop something off😁 ill make such a good impression ur dad will have to love me

I rolled my eyes laughing at his message.

Kenny: I'm guessing ur dad does not like us then?

Me: he just doesn't like the fact that boys talk to me. It's not just you.

I had talked to- and even dated some guys in the past and every time my dad had a problem telling me that "this guy isn't planning for a bright future." Or "his focus is in the wrong place"

Which is funny coming from him considering he's a drunk.

I picked up my phone again

Me: will u let Stan know I'm sorry

My dad wasn't a half bad guy. It was just as soon as he had something to drink his attitude is completely switched. It's annoying. That's why he and my mom were always getting into fights.

I spent the rest of the night up on my room. I knew if I went downstairs I was just going to get into a fight with him.

I grabbed my record player from a box in my closet and out on my (favorite artists) vinyl. I laid down on the rug on my floor splayed our listening until the sun slowly went behind the Colorado mountains.

.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. I wrote this over a month ago and idk what I was really doing with this chapter but o well.

Hope you enjoyed

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