Ch 8 kyle.broflovsk1 is now following you

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((A/N: u may want to take a look at the last part of ch 7 just incase u forgot what's going on. Also sorry for posting late I had a beach day yesterday super fun 🤩))

After we had a little bit of alcohol in our systems were were giggly.

"Ya know, you should go for Kyle." Bebe told me.

"I see him waiting for you after class." She teased.

"He's just being nice." I told her.

"Yeah it's nice but after the third day there's no need for him to wait." She claimed.

The rest of the girls ooohed once again.
"I mean he is really tall." Wendy pointed out. "That's perfect boyfriend material. And he's very polite." I shook my head trying to get the picture of Kyle out of it. "No no no. We're just friends."

"Well maybe try to get to know him more and see if you're interested in him." Nichole suggested.

"Text him right now and ask him if he's free later today." Red said. I glanced at my phone screen. The time blinked back 3:27am. God, it was late.

"I can't. I don't have his number or any of his socials." I told them.
Wendy whipped out her phone. "I have his Instagram. Get your phone out, I'm sending it to you."

I did what I was told and she sent me his account. It was private so I requested to follow him. "Okay I did it."

"Now we wait." Wendy grinned.

"It's late, he's not going to see it unti-"


We all looked towards my phone screen that had lit up.

kyle.broflovsk1 has accepted your request


kyle.broflovsk1 is now following you.

"Oh, I guess he is still up."

The girls squealed. "Text him!!!" Bebe cried.

I scrunched up my face. "Maybe later guys. I don't know if I want to start a conversation with him this late."

Bebe booed. "That's okay. Following him is the first step." Wendy said. "Maybe we get move to texting in the next few days." She suggested.

I yawned nodding my head. "Yeah it's pretty late anyways." Nicole agreed with a quiet yeah. Slowly the room grew silent and I think some of the girls started to fall asleep. We're there any boys in the group that I specifically wanted to get to know better? They were all pretty cool. I did want to get to know Jimmy and his friends better. I still hadn't officially met Tolkien or Tweek. I had just seen them around school and overheard Jimmy or Craig mention them.


I sat with the boys again the next week until Wednesday. I sat in class with Jimmy as we had teamed up for an experiment in Bio.

"Hey Jimmy, is that invitation to sit with you at lunch still ongoing?" I asked him while picking things out of a dish with tweezers.

"Of course (y/n) the offer will al-always be there." He told me

"Thanks, I think I'll sit with you guys at lunch today then." I told Him.

After the bell rang I followed him into the cafeteria. We grabbed our food. "Follow me." He said. I carried his tray for him as I followed him through the crowds of people. We came up to the table where Tolkien was sitting. "This is (y/n) their new and will be joining us for lunch today." Jimmy announced sitting down. I sat down next to him and waved at Tolkien. "Hey (y/n), how's it going?"

saudade - a South Park x reader Where stories live. Discover now