Chapter 15

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James wasn't sure what to think about this whole situation

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James wasn't sure what to think about this whole situation. The fact that they were now trapped in some weirdo dimension wasn't really leaving him nice and calm. Not to mention the whole tense atmosphere caused by what had happened not long ago. It really begged the question of how many vamps in Aegis were actually against them, but even though he could tell practically everyone was shocked by this development, there were clearly a few people here who shared James' own opinion about this.

He wasn't at all surprised something had happened—with how Aegis treated vampires, it was no wonder a lot of them were angry and resentful. Hell, James was angry and resentful, and the only thing stopping him from using this situation to get out once the portal was reopened was some sense of guilt and self-loathing. And Arkie, because the guy wasn't going to leave just because James wanted to. Him not wanting to leave would not that big of a deal if that was the only reason James was staying, but it helped James stay focused. Or so he told himself.

Which meant wondering just what the hell Black wanted him for right now. Every time they talked, it was weird. Black liked to act all wise and sage and mysterious, and it was really annoying. Black hadn't really been acting like that during the current crisis, but who knew if that would last.

James sighed as he continued following Denise to wherever they were actually going. He hoped Arkie was alright with those magic nerds. He wondered what they wanted from him, but whatever it was, he was sure he was feeling unreasonably annoyed over it. He just felt very protective of the little guy, he couldn't help that.

He suddenly realized that they were actually going back to that lecture hall, or whatever that room was called, and just before reaching it they took a turn to the right, walking down a crowded hallway that led to a door that actually had Black's name on it. James probably shouldn't be surprised the guy had an office here, but he was anyway.

"I guess I'll wait here. Or something," Denise said, shrugging. She looked really distracted, though James understood that. She'd had trouble accepting that that Samantha person had betrayed them, let alone this. And she seemed to have a much more positive view of Aegis also. James would assume this was just the naivete of youth, but it was probably just him being too cynical and bitter to have an optimistic outlook.

Sighing again, he raised his hand to knock on the door, pausing briefly at the distant screech of bending metal. He frowned, looking back at all the people in the hallway, who looked similarly confused. Denise, who was at the end of the corridor, locked eyes with him, giving him a meaningful look and jerked her head to the side before disappearing behind the corner. James assumed this meant she would go investigate, but he certainly hoped this was nothing. They didn't need another crisis on their hands.

He turned to the door, finally knocking on it. He didn't wait to be invited in, immediately grabbing the door knob and turning it. To his surprise Black wasn't the only person inside the...was this the exact copy of Black's office on Earth? It sure looked like it, including the damned, huge cactus on the shelf in the corner that seemed to be constantly in bloom.

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