Chapter 16

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Denise flinched as darkness flooded the entire corridor she had been walking through on her way to Arkemoz, only to collide with the wall as a tremor shook the ground, sending everyone around her either to the ground or scrambling to grab onto som...

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Denise flinched as darkness flooded the entire corridor she had been walking through on her way to Arkemoz, only to collide with the wall as a tremor shook the ground, sending everyone around her either to the ground or scrambling to grab onto something. And in a corridor as crowded as this, that wasn't easy.

"What now?" someone complained loudly, though it was almost unintelligible next to the sound of metal groaning all around them.

On instinct Denise threw her hands over her head, expecting something to fall on her, but after a while longer, it all stopped, and there was only silence. She looked around herself, squinting into the darkness all around her. She wasn't sure why, but she didn't see as well here as she did on Earth. Maybe it was the utter lack of any kind of light since apparently not even the red emergency lights were working anymore.

She could still see enough to know that there was no visible damage to anything, though. She supposed that was a good thing, but that didn't mean it wouldn't come to that.

The brief silence was quickly replaced by outraged and confused voices asking questions that overlapped each other, creating so much noise Denise could barely think.

But she had the same questions and more. Just what the hell had just happened? Was this the rogue vampires meddling still, or was this something completely different? And were they in danger?

Actually, the answer to that last question was most likely. When were they not in danger?

But that wasn't good enough. She wasn't sure where to look for answers here, but she could do at least something right this moment—go check if there was more fighting.

And so she continued down the corridor, heading for the room with the warlocks to check if Ark was still in there. He would be the most logical target if something was up.

She did her best to push past all the vampires around her, most of who looked like they were about ready to jump at shadows. The fact that they couldn't see well must have been unnerving them because if so, Denise felt the same way. It really was freaky, but at least it also meant that if there were enemy vamps still around, they would have the same disadvantage as them.

It wasn't long way to the magic room-workplace-whatever, but with everyone suddenly moving from place to place, going God knew where, and with the darkness that didn't let her see more than five feet ahead, it ended up taking way longer than originally.

Just as she was about to reach the room, the ground shook again, even more violently than last time. Denise grunted as she fell, only managing to catch herself with her hands a split second before she could land on her face.

She was about to get up, even though the floor was still shaking, but then her eyes widened as she felt the floor tilt.

Letting out a shocked yell, as did the people around her, Denise did her best to get up and keep her balance as the corridor started to stabilize, still shaking too hard to let her stand up without having to hold onto the wall. She didn't let go until the ground stopped moving completely, breathing hard as she stared down at the floor.

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