•Back To The Burrow•

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After bidding goodbye to Dumbledore, Harry and Y/N arrived at the Burrow.

They got in, and heard Ginny talking with Mrs Weasley.

Ginny: Mom!
She called out.

Mrs Weasley's head appeared from the Kitchen.
Mrs Weasley: Ginny? What do you need, dear?
She said, looking at her.

Ginny: I was just wondering when Harry and Y/N arrived.
She said.

Mrs Weasley looked at her with perplexity.
Mrs Weasley: Harry? Y/N? Who are you talking about?
She asked.

Ginny: Harry and Y/N Potter, obviously!
She said, huffing in annoyance.

Mrs Weasley: Don't you think I'd know if the Potter Twins were in my house?
She said sarcastically.

Ron: Did someone say Harry?
He said, butting into the conversation, as he looked at them from the upper floor.

Hermione: And Y/N?
She added, taking part in the conversation as well.

Ginny: Me, nosy. Are they up there with you two?
She asked, rolling her eyes.

Ron: Of course not. I'd know if my best friends were here, don't you think?
He said.

Y/N sighed.
Y/N: And to think I was expecting at least an hello...
He said, pretending to be sad.

Everyone looked at them, smiling widely.

Ginny: Harry, Y/N!
She said happily, hugging them both.

Hermione: Y/N!
She said, literally throwing herself on him.

Y/N: Woah, slow down, Hermione! You're going to kill me!
He huffed.

He then high-fived Ron, and proceeded to hug Mrs Weasley.

Mrs Weasley: Why didn't you let us know you were coming?
She asked, chuckling.

Harry: Actually, we didn't even know. It was all Dumbledore's doing.
He said.

Mrs Weasley: That man is always full of surprises.
She said, chuckling, as she headed back to the kitchen.

The Quartet was currently in Ron's room.
Harry: Have you been here for much?
He asked, looking at Hermione.

Hermione: It's just been a few days. But to be honest... I wasn't sure if I could come or not. My parents somehow came to know about You-Know-Who, and it took me a lot to persuade them.
She said.

Ron: Yeah, mom too. She didn't want to send us back to Hogwarts this year. But dad menage to persuade her in the end.
He said.

Harry: But Hogwarts' the safest place we know!
He said.

Y/N: There's Dumbledore... And then there's also me. I don't think that after what happened last year the Death Eaters will be stupid enough to approach the school. I mean... Is there a place even safer than Hogwarts?
He said proudly.

Hermione: Yeah, about the last part...
She said, as she nervously looked at Ron and Harry.

Y/N gave them a puzzled look.
Y/N: What about it?
He asked.

Hermione: How are you feeling?
She asked.

Y/N: I'm perfectly fine. Why do you ask?
He asked.

Hermione looked at him.
Hermione: What happened last year was really scary. Since then, I can't stop to think about this, and I can't help but worry. That... Thing, and those flames... You're slowly losing control over your outbursts every day even more.
She said.

Y/N: Hermione, I'm FINE.
He huffed, putting some emphasis on the last part.

Hermione: Yet you're still having them, don't you?
She said.

Y/N: Well, of course Hermione. I can't just switch them off whenever they occur. But it's not like I'm going to set everything on fire once every two minutes! I can control myself.
He said, deeply hurt.

Harry: I doubt that.
He said, coughing, in the attempt to conceal his words, but just menaging to obtain a glare from Y/N.

Ron: We all know how things will go, in the end. What are you planning to do, if Malfoy keeps trying to instigate you?
He asked.

Y/N: I'm over it.
He said, shrugging, as the other three looked at him wide-eyed.

Harry: What?
He asked.

Ron: Yeah, what do you mean?
He asked.

Y/N: It means that I simply don't give a shit anymore. I'm done with him. We kept insulting each other for too long, and I simply am not in the mood to keep going. We're not First Years anymore. We're almost adults, and it's about time we start behaving like adults.
He said.

Ron: I can't believe my ears. He's not joking, right?
He asked.

Y/N: You've heard me right, Ron. It's about time I give him the treatment he deserves. I'll just ignore him.
He said.

Hermione looked at him.
Hermione: Are you sure this is going to be ok?
She asked, uncertaintly.

Y/N: This is the best way to sort this out once and for all. For the both of us.
794 words.

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