•Diagon Alley•

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The next day, the Quartet and the Weasleys headed to Diagon Alley to buy the new books for the School Year.

That same morning, in fact, their OWLs' result had arrived, and everyone was quite impressed to see that Y/N had menage to get an Outstanding in every subject, even Potions.

They then went to Fred and George's shop, and Y/N couldn't help but feel happy for them.

They had done a great job, and their inventions were just awesome.

Y/N was with Hermione and Ginny, as they looked at Love Filters, when Fred and George popped out from behind them, making Y/N almost drop a vial.

Y/N: For fuck's sake, don't scare me like that!
He said, making them laugh.

Fred: Why are you here, Y/N? Are you planning to seduce someone?
He asked.

George: Yeah, why a love filter? I'm sure you've got plenty of ladies at your feet.
He said, winking.

Y/N's cheeks flushed red in embarassment.

Y/N: I'm not trying to seduce anyone, I swear!
He said, making Hermione and Ginny giggle.

He looked at them.
Y/N: You're not helping!
He said, panicking, as Fred and George laughed.

Fred: Relax, Y/N.
He said.

George: Yeah, we were just making fun of you.
He said, putting a hand on his shoulder.

Y/N: Thanks. That surely makes me feel better!
He said, sarcastically, as Ron approached the twins with an object at hand.

Ron: How much does this cost?
He asked.

Fred&George: 5 Galleons.
They said.

Ron: But I'm your brother!
He said.

Fred&George: 10 Galleons.
They said.

Y/N tried his best not to laugh.

Ron: I'm leaving.
He said, huffing in annoyance.

Y/N: Have you seen Harry?
He asked to the twins, before leaving.

After they left Fred and George's shop, the Quartet wandered for the empty streets.

Y/N: It's kind of strange, to see Diagon Alley this empty.
He said.

Harry: Everything is closed.
He said, as they looked around.

Y/N: Yeah, even poor Ollivander's shop. Geez, they really wanted to destroy it.
He muttered.

That's when they noticed Draco and his mother, Narcissa, trying to walk as stealthily as possible, making sure to be extra careful not to be seen.

Y/N sighed.
Y/N: Don't tell me you plan on following them.
He said.

Harry: Oh, come on, Y/N!
He said.

Ron: Yeah, aren't you curious?
He asked.

Y/N sighed heavily.
Y/N: Ugh, fine.
He said, gritting his teeth, as followed them to Knockturn Alley.

They saw them enter a shop, and they climbed on the roof, on which there was a window, to peek on them.

They couldn't hear what they were saying, but they could see Draco, standing in front of some kind of black wardrobe, his face slightly paler than usual.

But then, a guy pulled the curtains, and they couldn't see anything anymore.
Y/N: Well, that was suspicious.
He stated.

They other three looked at him.

Y/N: We should get going. Mrs Weasley might freak out, if she discovers we've been here.
He then added, walking back.

For the following days, the only thing Harry talked about was Malfoy.

He somehow thought he had become a Death Eater, but Hermione and Ron found it ridiculous.

The Quartet was currently on the Hogwarts Express heading back to Hogwarts, and Harry was once again talking about Malfoy.

But when he noticed none of them was actually listening, he grabbed the Cloak, and left.

They hadn't seen him for the rest of the day.

They all got off the Hogwarts express, and after crossing the front gates, they and their luggage were searched by Filch, much to Y/N's annoyance.

Then, they all went to the Great Hall, and sat down.

That's when they finally saw Harry.
He was bleeding from his nose.

Ginny: He's bleeding. Why is he always bleeding?
She asked.

Y/N: I don't know, try asking him?
He said sarcastically, as Harry sat down next to Ginny.

Hermione: Are you ok?
She asked.

Harry scoffed.
Harry: Can't you see I'm bleeding?
He said sarcastically.

Ginny was about to use an handkerchief to wipe his blood away, when Y/N stopped her.

Y/N: Allow me.
He said, in a tone that somehow resembled Gilderoy Lockhart.

They all looked at him, as he took his Wand, and pointed it towards Harry's face.

Y/N: Restitutio!
He said, as Harry's nose stopped bleeding, and started healing.

Harry smiled thankfully at him.
Harry: Thanks.
He said, as Dumbledore tried to gain everyone's attention.

Dumbledore: Very best of evenings to you all. First off, let me introduce the newest member of our staff. Horace Slughorn.
He said, they all clapped their hands.

Dumbledore: Professor Slughorn, I'm happy to say, has agreed to resume his old post...
as Potions Master. Meanwhile, the post of
Defense Against the Dark Arts... will be taken by
Professor Snape.
He said, as murmurs spread all over the hall.

Y/N: Snape? Really? Oh gosh. This year is going to be worse than the last one...
He muttered, sighing.

Dumbledore: As you know, each and every one of you were searched upon your arrival here tonight. And you have the right
to know why.
He said, as everyone fell silent immediately.

Dumbledore: Once, there was a young man.
Like you, he sat in this very hall. Walked this castle's corridors. Slept under its roof. You see, to all the world, a student like any other. His name: Tom Riddle. Today of course, is known
all over the world by another name. Which is why as I stand, looking out
upon you all tonight, I'm reminded
of a sobering fact. Every day, every hour,
this very minute, perhaps... dark forces attempt
to penetrate this castle's walls. But in the end,
that greatest weapon... is you. Just something
to think about. Now off to bed, hop hop!
He said, smiling.

Harry: That was cheerful.
He said.

But Y/N was dozing off.
He was absent-mindly scanning the room, when his eyes met Malfoy's.

They looked at each other for an instant, and then, Y/N immediately turned around, ignoring him, as they left the Great Hall.

The next day, Y/N was in the dungeons, together with Hermione, for their first lesson with Slughorn.

Y/N would be lying, if he said he wasn't somehow excited.

Slughorn proceeded to start his lesson, when Harry got in, followed by a gloomy Ron.

After having a small fight over a potions book, they finally reached everyone else.

Y/N and Hermione looked at Levender, who looked at Ron as if she was about to faint.

They both scoffed.
Y/N: Pathetic.
He said, disgusted.

Hermione: Agreed.
1140 words.

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗛𝗮𝗹𝗳-𝗕𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗱 𝗣𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗲 | Harry Potter x Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now