•Memories Of The Past•

377 16 4

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Tom: I was in the Library, the other day, in the restricted section. That's when I came across a rare piece of magic. It's called, if I remember correctly, Horcrux.
He said.

Slughorn paled.
Slughorn: Pardon?
He asked, blinking a few times, as if he hadn't heard correctly.

Tom: Horcrux, Sir. But I didn't really understand how it works.
He said, looking at him straight in the eyes.

Slughorn: I don't know what you've read, but this is a really dark thing, Tom, really, really dark.
He slowly said.

Tom smiled a little. A smile empty of emotion, but able to shake even the very soul of a person.

Tom:That's why I'm here. I was wondering if you could enlighten me, and tell me what it is, exactly.
He said.

Slughorn was getting paler, and paler with each second passing by.

He took a deep breath.

Slughorn: An Horcrux is an object where a person has hidden a part of their soul.
He cautiously said.

Tom: And how does it works, exactly?
He asked.

Slughorn: One separates their soul, and puts a part of it inside an object. By doing so, you're safe, even if your body gets destroyed.
He explained.

Tom's eyes glistened slightly.

Tom: Safe?
He muttered.

Slughorn nodded.
Slughorn: The hidden part of your soul will continue to live. In other words, you can't die.
He said.

The thing had clearly piqued Tom's interest.

Tom: And how can someone separate their soul?
He asked.

Slughorn: I think you already know the answer.
He said, looking at him.

Tom: Murder.
He said.

Slughorn nodded.

Slughorn: Yes. Killing destroys the soul. It is a violation of Nature.
He said.

Tom: Can the soul be separated only once?
He asked.

Tom: For example, 7-
He was about to say, when Slughorn cut him off.

Slughorn: 7?! For Merlin's beard, Tom, isn't it horrible to think about killing one person? But... To separate the soul in 7 pieces? Obviously, they're all hypothesis, right? It's all for academical purposes, right?
He said, now paler than ever.

Tom smiled one last time.

Tom: Of course, Sir. But don't worry. This will be our secret.
He said.

Suddenly, everything dissolved, and both Harry and Y/N looked at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore: It goes beyond our imagination.
He said, sitting down.

Harry: So... He really did it?
He asked.

Dumbledore nodded.

Y/N: Definitely. And not only one.
He said.

They all looked at each other.
Y/N's eyes suddenly widened, and then, everything  made sense.

Dumbledore looked at him.
Dumbledore: You got it, don't you?
He asked.

Y/N: Tom Riddle's Diary... It was one of them, wasn't it?
He asked.

Dumbledore nodded.

Dumbledore: They can be literally everything. A common object. Like a ring, for example.
He said, as he opened a drawer in hid desk, and took out the Diary.

He then used it to push a silver ring with a green gemstone forward, without touching it with his bare hands.

The twins looked at it. It emitted a faint hissing sound, but it seemed like they were the only ones who could hear it.

Dumbledore: Don't touch it.
He said, warning Harry, who had tried to touch it.

Dumbledore: It belonged to Voldemort's mother. Hard to find, and... Hard to destroy.
He said, showing them his black hand.

Y/N: So that's what it was...
He muttered.

Harry: But... If we would find them all... Destroy them all...
He said.

Dumbledore: We would be able to destroy Voldemort himself.
He said.

Y/N: But... They could be everywhere...
He said.

Dumbledore: True. But magic itself... Leaves traces. And I think I might have found another one.
He said, surprising them.

Dumbledore: However, I cannot destroy it alone.
629 words.

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗛𝗮𝗹𝗳-𝗕𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗱 𝗣𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗲 | Harry Potter x Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now