•His Death•

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[Thought ]
[Spell ]
Dumbledore and Malfoy looked at each other.

Dumbledore: You're not a murderer. You know, there was a boy, just like you, who just made wrong decisions, all the time. Don't do the same, Draco. I know you're not evil. You're just scared. Allow me to help you.
He said.

Malfoy: I don't want your help!
He said, as he slowly started lowering his wand, tears filling his eyes.

Malfoy: Can't you understand? I have to kill you! I have to. Or he'll kill me...
He cried.

Suddenly, the door opened.
Dumbledore: Good, Good. I see you're not alone.
He said.

Then, he looked at Malfoy.
Dumbledore: How did you do it?
He asked, curious.

Malfoy: The Vanishing Cabinet inside the Room of Requirement. It forms a passage with the one in Knockturn Alley.
He said.

Dumbledore: That's quite clever.
He said.

In that exact moment, Bellatrix and two more people arrived.

Bellatrix looked at Dumbledore, a dreamy expression, filled of delight, plastered on her face.

Y/N started breathing heavily, as he looked at her, feeling rage boil inside of him, making its way inside his body.

Dumbledore: Good evening, Bellatrix.
He said.

Bellatrix kissed Malfoy's cheek.
Bellatrix: Good job, Draco.
She whispererd.

Dumbledore: I think it's time for presentations.
He said.

Bellatrix: Oh, Albus, we'd love to, but we all have duties to attend!
She said.

She then turned towards Malfoy.
Bellatrix: Do it.
She hissed, as Malfoy raised his wand again, hesitantly.

Harry and Y/N raised their wands too.
But in that moment, Snape arrived, and motioned for them both to keep silent.

They slowly lowered their wands, as Snape walked upstairs.

Bellatrix: Do it, Now!
She hissed.

Snape: No.
He suddenly said.

They all turned around, looking at him.

Dumbledore looked down, looking at the twins for a brief moment, smiling reassuringly, before looking up again.

Y/N's heart was pounding in his chest, beating like crazy.

Dumbledore: Severus... Please.
He said.

They all looked at Snape.

Dumbledore: I beg of you.
He said.

Y/N's eyes widened, suddenly realizing what was going to happen.

Snape: Avada Kedavra!
He said.

A beam of green light hit Dumbledore straight in the chest, making him fall down from the tower.

The twins' eyes widened in horror, as they casted the Dark Mark, before running away, with Bellatrix laughing like crazy.

Harry ran after them.

Y/N, however, ran downstairs.
He kept running and running, almost tripping and falling from the stairs.

Y/N: No, no, No! What have you done?! Why did you do it! Hurry, Y/N! Hurry, for fuck's sake!
He thought, as he kept running.

When he reached the countryard, he could see every single students, and every teacher gathered around Dumbledore's body.

Y/N made his way through the crowd, breathing heavily.

His eyes immediately filled with tears at the sight, as he fell on his knees, beside him.

Blue particles started to fill the air, as he cried his eyes out.

Y/N: No...
He cried, as Harry approached him.

He knelt down too, hugging him tightly.

Y/N shook his head.
Y/N: NO!
He shouted, his voice echoing through the night, as he bent over Dumbledore's body.

Everyone, following McGonagall's example, raised their wand, as a tribute to Dumbledore.

Y/N then looked up to the sky, in rage, as he saw the Dark Mark standing tall above all of them.

He suddenly pointed his wand to the sky, as the giant skull slowly faded away, revealing the full moon.

His grip on the locket grew stronger.

Y/N: This isn't over. You've made a bad mistake. You're going to pay this with your life, Voldemort. I swear to God. I'll put an end to your miserable life, even if it means I'll have to die in the process.
He thought, hugging Harry.

The Castle had never been that silent, before.

Dumbledore's funeral had just ended, and Y/N had just stopped crying.

Never, in his entire life, had he felt so sad and angry at the same time.
And Harry was no exception.

They were both alone inside an empty classroom, when Y/N grabbed the Locket, and put it on the desk.

Harry looked at it.
Y/N: It's not the real one.
He said.

Harry looked at him.
Harry: So... We went through all that trouble just for nothing?
He said.

Y/N sighed.
Y/N: Harry, you know what this means, right?
He said.

Harry nodded.
Harry: I do. And I think it's better like this.
764 words.

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗛𝗮𝗹𝗳-𝗕𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗱 𝗣𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗲 | Harry Potter x Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now