•Finding The Horcrux•

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[Thought ]
[Spell ]
Dumbledore: I know I'm asking you a lot, Harry, Y/N, but this time, your help will be necessary. I won't be able to destroy it without your help.

Those words kept echoing in Harry and Y/N's minds, as they headed to Dumbledore's office.

They had finally discovered the truth behind Voldemort's so-called Immortality, and their quest was clear: they had to destroy each one of them, at all costs, even if it meant losing everything.

Harry knocked on the door, before going inside, followed by Y/N.

Harry: Good evening, Professor.
He said, gaining the old man's attention.

He looked at them both.

Dumbledore: Oh, Harry, Y/N, it's you.
He said, as they walked towards him.

He then looked at them again, smiling softly like a grandfather looking at his grandchildren.

Dumbledore: You know, sometimes I forget how much time it's passed already, and how much you two have grown... Sometimes, when I look at you, Harry, I still see the boy of the brooms' cupboard, or the boy that passed almost every day in the library, in Y/N's case.
He said, chuckling.

Y/N and Harry chuckled too, smiling at him.

Dumbledore: Forgive me, Harry, Y/N. I'm just an old geezer.
He said, chuckling.

Harry shook his head.
Harry: That's not true, Professor!
He said.

Y/N: Perhaps, you stelle look the same as I remember.
He said.

Dumbledore smiled at them.

Dumbledore: You're just as kind as your mother.
He said.

They all looked at each other.

Dumbledore: The place we're about to visit is extremely dangerous. That's why I need you two to promise me that you will do as I say.
He then said.

They both nodded.

Dumbledore: If I tell you to hide, you hide. If I tell you to run away and leave me behind, you'll do it. I want your word that despite the command, you will do as I say.
He said.

Harry: But-
He was about to say, when Dumbledore shook his head.

Dumbledore: Your word.
He said sternly.

The twins sighed, before nodding.

Dumbledore then sticked his arm out.
Dumbledore: Grab my arm.
He said.

Harry and Y/N looked at him.
Harry: But sir... No one can apparare inside the school's grounds...
He pointed out.

Dumbledore smiled.
Dumbledore: Well, being the Headmaster has its own privileges.
He said, chuckling.

Then, they both grabbed his arm, and apparated in the middle of the sea.

The wind was blowing hard, messing their hair.

The only thing they could see, apart the water all around them, was a dark cave, right in front of them.

Dumbledore pointed at it.

Dumbledore: It's there.
He said.

With that, they apparated inside the cave.

Dumbledore,Harry&Y/N: Lumos.
They all said, lighting the tip of their wands.

Dumbledore looked around, sliding his hand along the rocky wall, nodding to himself.

Dumbledore: Just as I thought. This place has known magic.
He said.

Then, looking around, they all spotted a small knife.

Dumbledore took it, and examined it.
Dumbledore: In order to pass through, an offer must be made.
He said.

Y/N: I'll do it.
He said.

But Dumbledore shook his head.
Dumbledore: No. Your blood is far more precious than mine.
He said.

With that, he made a small cut in the palm of his hand, and then put his hand over the wall.

It suddenly started to crumble, revealing the rest of the cave: a large, dark room with a huge lake.

There was also a small island made of an opaque crystal, standing in the middle of the lake.

Y/N: Lumos Solem!
He said, as light now filled the room, as if it was midday.

They looked around them.
That's when Dumbledore noticed a chain coming out from the water.

The twins started to pull it, and after a while, a big, wooden boat emerged from the depths of the lake.

Dumbledore: Let's go.
He said.

They used the boat to cross the lake, and arrived on the small island.

It was plain and empty, except for a crystal pedestal in the middle, filled with a transparent substance that looked a lot like water.

Just beneath the liquid, there was something. As the light of their wands hit it, it glistened slightly.

It was a silver locket.
The Horcrux.

Harry: Accio Horcrux!
He said, but the locket didn't even budge.

Y/N: I don't think it worked...
He muttered.

Dumbledore: It definitely didn't work.
He said.

Then, Dumbledore examined the liquid.
Dumbledore: It's a potion.
He stated.

He then looked at the pedestal, noticing something that looked a lot like a large spoon, also made of crystal.

He took it, and then looked at them.
Dumbledore: We need to drink it all, in order to obtain the Horcrux.
He said, looking at the potion.

Dumbledore: It could make me lose my mind, make me go insane. For all we know, it could as well killed, but no matter what, you'll have to make me drink it all. Even if you'll have to force me to. Well... Cheers.
857 words.

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