•Back To The Castle•

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[Thought ]
[Spell ]
Days went by since that eventful night, and Harry, Ron and Y/N were finally back at Hogwarts.

The twins had been busy since the very first day after the holidays.

Now more than ever they spent their evenings in Dumbledore's office, gazing over and over again in Lord Voldemort's memories, trying to find something, even a single piece of evidence that could help them discover how to destroy him.

But just as always, it was useless.

It was the 4th time they looked into the same memory, without finding anything relevant, and Harry was starting to get frustrated.

It was the Memory Slughorn had corrupted.

Dumbledore: Are you confused? I would be surprised if you weren't, actually.
He said.

Y/N sighed.
Y/N: I can't understand what he was talking about, and it's getting more and more frustrating. What ancient piece of magic could've possibly scared Slughorn to the point of corrupting his own memories?
He muttered.

Harry: And on top of that, he doesn't seem to trust us that much, yet.
He said, huffing in annoyance.

Dumbledore: It doesn't matter in which way you achieve it. We need that memory. Without it, we'll always be stuck in a neverending loop of unanswered questions and hypothesis without any basis.
He said, looking at them with determination.

Y/N sighed.
Y/N: Then I'll take this matter into my own hands.
He said.

Harry sweatdropped.
Harry: I don't think violence is going to resolve this.
He said.

Y/N raised a brow.
Y/N: I wasn't planning on using violence. Not for now, that is. I'll try to win his trust and the memory.
He said.

Harry: Are you sure Y/N?
He asked uncertaintly.

Y/N: Harry, it's been 4 months already, and you failed. Let me try. I can't assure you I'll succeed, but who knows...
He said.

Dumbledore nodded, smiling.

Dumbledore: Y/N, you are our secret weapon. Harry is too kind, and that's why we still don't have the memory. No offense, Harry.
He said, as Harry chuckled awkwardly.

Y/N: It's not a bad thing, though.
He said, winking at Harry.

Dumbledore: On the contrary, Y/N, you know how to be pretty much rough when needed, and you also know how to be very persuasive, if you want. And that's what we need right now.
He said, as Y/N nodded.

Y/N waited for the next Potions lesson to put his plan into act.

He didn't want to rush things, so he behaved normally for the whole lesson.

Then, at the end of it, he waited for everyone to leave.

It was just Slughorn and him, now.

Y/N stood behind Slughorn, looking intently at him, as he collected his books from the desk.

Slughorn then turned around, and jumped a little in surprise.

Slughorn: Y/N, my boy, what are you doing here? You almost gave me a heart attack, you know!
He said, chuckling, as he looked away, scratching the back of his neck nervously.

He then slowly raised his eyes, looking at the boy.

Slughorn: What can I do for you?
He asked.

Y/N smiled.

Y/N: Sorry to bother you like this, sir. I was in the library, yesterday, trying to learn the effects of a spell, when I suddenly came across a rare piece of magic, something I have never seen before. It really made me curious, and I was wondering if you could explain it to me?
He asked, making sure to keep the eye contact, smirking slightly.

Y/N saw the smile on Slughorn's face fade slowly away.

He was staring at Y/N, his mouth agape, an expression of utter terror plastered on his face.

It was as if he had just seen a ghost.

Y/N raised a brow, and Slughorn quickly composed himself.

Slughorn: I-I teach Potions, Y/N, I'm sorry. I'm not the one you should be asking. Y-You should ask Professor Snape.
He said, looking away.

Y/N: You see... We aren't in a good relationship.
He said.

If possible, Slughorn paled even more.

Slughorn: Then I'm afraid, but I can't help you.
He said, quickly turning around, and heading towards the door.

Y/N sighed.

Y/N: Is this what you really told to Tom Riddle, sir?
He asked.

Slughorn immediately stopped.
He slowly turned around, and looked at Y/N as if he was looking at Tom Riddle himself.

Slughorn: It was Dumbledore who asked you to do this, didn't he? DIDN'T HE?
He shouted, before leaving.

From that day on, Slughorn tried his best to avoid him.

He didn't really care about it, though.

However, things started to go downhill when Harry brought Ron, who was under the effects of a Love Potion, to Slughorn's office.

To cheer, Slughorn had offered them a drink, but it somehow poisoned Ron, and that's why they were all in the Hospital Wing right now.

Ron was laying in a bed, unconscious, as Hermione held his hand.

Harry was sitting there, while Y/N just stood there, glaring daggers at Slughorn for poisoning his friend.

That's when Levender suddenly rushed inside.
Levender: Ron!
She shouted.

That's when he saw Hermione.

Her expression changed immediately, going from worry to fury in less than a second.

She shouted.

Harry: She's with her friend.
He pointed out, but got ignored.

Levender: Don't you ever learn? He doesn't want to see you! First you took away my Y/N, and now you want to take away my Ron?!
She shouted angrily.

But Y/N had enough of her shouting already.

Y/N: First of all, calm the fuck down. In case you haven't noticed, we're in the Hospital Wing. Second, can't you see the state he's in? Let me fill you in, then. HE GOT POISONED, YOU CACKLING CHICKEN!
He shouted, as they all looked at him, with McGonagall gasping in disdain.

Harry and Hermione were trying not to laugh.

Ron: Her... mione...
He suddenly muttered.

Levender burst in tears, and ran away.
Y/N: Well... That was fun.
1026 words.

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗛𝗮𝗹𝗳-𝗕𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗱 𝗣𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗲 | Harry Potter x Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now