•Felix Felicis•

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Slughorn: Back to what I was saying, which of you knows what potion is this?
He asked, pointing his chubby finger towards one of the many cauldrons on the table.

Hermione: It's the Draught of the Living Death.
She said, as she then proceeded to explain the potion's effects, receiving 5 points from Slughorn.

Then, a girl spoke up.
Girl: Excuse me, sir, what potion is that?
She asked, pointing towards a cauldron.

Unlike the others, in fact, it was closed.

Slughorn: Oh, this...
He said, smiling, as he opened the cauldron.

Slughorn: This, is by far the most dangerous potion in this room, at the moment.
He said.

Y/N's hand immediately shot up in the air, as everyone looked at him.

Slughorn: Yes, Y/N?
He asked.

Y/N: It's the strongest love potion ever brewed, the Amortentia.
He said, shocking them.

Slughorn: You really have some talent, my boy! And do you perhaps know the effects?
He asked, beaming at him.

Y/N: No potion can create true love, but this potion in particular creates a strong type of infatuation. Some sort of obsession towards a person that most of the time is mistaken as love. It's said that it smells different from person to person, based on who we like.
He said, moving closer to the potion, and looking at it.

Y/N: For example... I smell... Pine... Ink... Green apples... And something else I can't quite recognize...
He said, as he slowly backed away from the cauldron.

Slughorn smiled widely at him.
Slughron: Truly impressive, Y/N! Everything you said was correct. 10 points to Gryffindor!
He said, as Y/N looked at the cauldron for a few seconds.

Boy: What about that potion over there, sir?
A Ravenclaw boy asked, pointing to a small vial that contained a golden liquid.

Slughorn: This, ladies and gentlemen, is a quite curious potion.
He said, as he took the vial, showing it to everyone.

Hermione&Y/N: Felix Felicis. Liquid Luck.
They both said, as Slughorn beamed at them.

Slughorn: Correct! Hard to brew, and extremely dangerous if brewn incorrectly. This dose can give you 24h of Luck. You will see that all your deeds will have immediate success. That, of course, until the effect lasts. This, is what I offer to the person who in the remaining hour, will be able to brew a perfect Draught of Living Death.
He said, as they all proceeded to start.

Y/N went to sit together with Harry, Ron and Hermione, but their table was already full, so he had to find another one.

The only one, however, was only occupied by Malfoy.

Y/N sighed heavily.
Y/N: You're having fun watching me dealing with this shit, aren't you, God?
He thought.

He then walked towards the table.
Y/N: Can I sit here? The other tables are full.
He asked.

Malfoy looked at him, and then motioned for him to sit.

Y/N sat down, and proceeded to brew his potion in silence.

Halfway trough the process, however, he could smell something in the air.

Something quite familiar.

His heart then skipped a beat.
Y/N: Pine... Ink... Green apples... And something else I can't quite recognize...
He thought, the words Echoing through his mind.

He frantically started looking around, scanning the room in the desperate attempt to find out whose scent it was.

Malfoy gave him a puzzled look.
Malfoy: What are you doing?
He asked.

Their eyes met for a brief moment, and at that point, there were any doubts left.

Y/N's heart sunk.

He shook his head.
Y/N: No. I refuse this.
He suddenly said.

Everyone in the room turned around to look at him.

His cheeks instantly flushed red in Embarassment, and with a wave of his Wand, his cauldron emptied.

Then, he left the room without saying a word, heading straight to the Common Room.

He then sat down, still trying to process what he had just discovered.

Y/N: It can't be him. It definitely can't be him. Why should it be him, of all people? This must be some kind of joke. I'm sure my nose was just playing a trick on me. It must be like this. There's no way in hell I'd fall in love with someone like him. No. Fucking. Way.
He said, trying to convince himself.

Harry: What are you talking about?
He asked, making him jump.

He, Ron and Hermione were there, looking at him in confusion.

Y/N: What do you mean?
He asked, pretending to be confused.

Harry: You know exactly what I'm talking about, Y/N.
He said.

Y/N: It's nothing.
He said.

Harry raised a brow.
Harry: Really?
He asked.

Y/N: Definitely.
He said, smiling.

Harry shrugged, and then left, followed by Ron.

Y/N waited for them to be gone, before turning to look at Hermione.

Y/N took a deep breath.
Y/N: Hermione, I need your help.
He said, trying to stay as much calm as he could.

Hermione: What did you do this time?
She asked, raising a brow.

Y/N: Nothing. And I really hope I'll never have to.
He said, shuddering at the thought.

Hermione: It's about the Amortentia, isn't it?
She asked.

Y/N slowly nodded.

That's when her eyes widened in realization.
Hermione: Oh my gosh, did you find whose scent it is?
She asked excitedly.

Y/N: I did.
He said.

Hermione: Who's she?
She asked.

Y/N gulped.
Y/N: I can't believe I'm going to say this.
He thought.

Y/N: It's not a girl, but I really wish it was.
He said.

She raised a brow.
Hermione: What are you talking about?
She asked.

Y/N: Hermione... It's Malfoy.
968 words.

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