•Christmas At The Burrow•

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Currently, Harry, Ron and Y/N were on the Hogwarts Express, heading to the Burrow for Christmas.

Y/N was reading a book, while Harry and Ron chatted.

Y/N and Ron had started talking to each other again, and Ron tried his best not to judge Y/N and Malfoy's relationship.

In that exact moment, someone knocked on the compartment's door, making them all turn around.

It was Levender.

Y/N rolled his eyes.
She then drew a Heart with both her and Ron's initials inside, before running away again, giggling.

Ron let out a sigh.
Ron: I can't do this anymore... She never leaves me alone for more than a minute!
He complained, slumping down on his seat.

Y/N: Well, she's always been like that. A psychopath that acts like a parasite, that is.
He said, shrugging.

Harry: That's rude.
He pointed out.

Y/N: Heh, I couldn't care less. I personally can't stand her.
He said, unfazed, as he closed his book.

Ron: Yet you asked her to be your partner for the Yule Ball, 2 years ago!
He said.

Y/N: Ron, I had to! McGonagall would've given me a detention for two months straight! She was my last resort, and look where this took me. She even kissed me without consent.
He said, still angry at the thought.

Ron crossed his arms, smirking.
Ron: How about Malfoy, then? I bet your relationship isn't better than ours.
He said triumphantly.

Y/N's expression changed completely.
Y/N: For your information, Ron, our relationship is just perfect. Yeah, maybe there heve been some... Incomprehensions at first, I can't deny that. But it all worked out in the end. He told me everything about his feelings, and even kissed me.
He said in a dreamy voice that resembled pretty much Luna's.

Harry clenched his fist, and Ron's eye twitched upon hearing that.

Ron&Harry: He did what?
They both said in a low, growling tone.

Y/N looked at them.
Y/N: Cut it out you two. It was just a kiss.
He said.

Harry: Just a kiss, he says...
He muttered under his breath.

Ron: Y/N, you are like a brother to me, you know that. If that weasel hurts you, just let us know. We'll take care of everything. I'll bury him alive.
He said.

Y/N: Ron, there's no need. I know how to defend myself, don't worry.
He said.

Y/N: Thank, though.
He added.

Ron: So... He loves you for real? He isn't joking, is he?
He asked.

Y/N: Of course he loves me. Everybody loves me. I'm the best.
He said, smiling innocently, as they all laughed.

They finally arrived at the Burrow.
The holidays had been quite enjoyable, and Y/N couldn't help but notice that Harry and Ginny were getting closer and closer to each other.

On Christmas evening, even Lupin and Tonks passed by, and stayed for dinner.

Y/N: Remus... I was wondering if I could talk to you in private? I have to... Tell you something.
He asked.

Lupin nodded, and followed him outside.
Lupin: Is everything ok? Please tell me you didn't set someone on fire...
He said jokingly.

Y/N chuckled.
Y/N: No, not yet.
He said.

Lupin: Not yet? Seriously, Y/N? Then? What did you want to tell me?
He asked.

Y/N took a deep breath.
Y/N: So, uhm... I've started... Dating someone, recently...
He said.

Lupin's eyes sparkled with joy.
Lupin: Really? I'm so proud of you, Y/N! Whoever she is, I'm sure you will be happy together.
He said.

Y/N chuckled nervously.
Y/N: Ehm... About that... It's not a girl. It's a boy.
Y/N said slowly.

Y/N: It's Draco Malfoy.
He added.

Lupin's expression, however, didn't falter.
Lupin: There's nothing to be ashamed of, Y/N. It doesn't matter if it's a boy or a girl. What's important, is your happiness. If you're happy, then I'm happy too.
He said, pulling him in a hug.

Y/N hugged him back.
Y/N: Thank you, it really means a lot for me.
He said, relieved.

Lupin: So, you and Malfoy, huh? I must admit I always thought you'd end up together, one day. I mean, it was pretty obvious by the way he looked at you. He was always blushing, whenever you were around, you know. I thought it was cute...
He said, chuckling, as Y/N blushed in embarrassment.

Lupin: Does dear old Lucius know about this?
He asked, chuckling.

Y/N: I don't know, nor do I care. He's still in Azkaban anyway. He needs to worry about other matters.
He said.

Lupin chuckled.
Lupin: Come on, then. Let's go back.
He said, ruffling his hair.

It was almost midnight, now, and Remus and Tonks were about to leave.

That's when a circle of flames suddounded the Burrow, as Bellatrix, Fenrir Greyback and some other death eaters arrived, setting fire to the Burrow, before dashing away.

Y/N ran after Bellatrix, and both Harry and Ginny followed him.

They could hear her laugh, making fun of them.

He shouted, as they reached a clearing.

They looked around.
Y/N: They're all around us. Block their spells.
He whispered.

In fact, they were forced to block spells upon spells, as they tried their best to stick together.

That until Lupin and Mr Weasley arrived too.

The death eaters left right away, much to Y/N's disappointment.

Y/N: Cowards.
He said, gritting his teeth.

Lupin: Y/N, just what were you thinking?! Running after them like that! You could've gotten yourself killed! That was really stupid and reckless!
He said, lecturing him.

Y/N looked down in shame.
Y/N: I'm... I'm sorry. It's just... I can't stand it! She shouldn't be allowed to live! She killed Sirius!
He shouted angrily.

Lupin: I know you're angry, Y/N, and I can't blame you. But just try to be careful, at least! Don't you remember they want to kill you and Harry?
He said, as they went back to the Burrow, or rather, what was left of it, to be exact.

Mrs Weasley stood there, as she looked at the still burning structure that once was her house without being able to say a word.

Y/N gritted his teeth, as he felt rage flow through his body like venom.

Y/N: Why?
He muttered, as everyone turned around, looking at him.

He shouted.

With a single wave of his wand, all the flames settled down, vanishing completely, as everyone looked at him in shock.

Y/N took a deep breath to calm himself down.

Y/N: Alright. That's another thing to add to the reasons why I need to be the one who ends that bitch.
He said, his eyes gleaming maliciously.

Harry put an hand on his shoulder, chuckling a little.

Harry: You'll never change...
1178 words.

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗛𝗮𝗹𝗳-𝗕𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗱 𝗣𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗲 | Harry Potter x Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now