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Y/N immediately put his hands over his mouth, blushing madly, as his eyes widened.

Y/N: Well, shit.
He thought, as he looked at Malfoy, who looked back at him with an indecipherable look.

He couldn't understand if he was either disgusted, or shocked, or even both.

Malfoy: What?
He asked, after a few seconds of embarrassing silence.

Y/N shook his head repeatedly.
Y/N: Forget about this, ok? I don't really know why I said something like this. Let's just pretend this never happened.
He said, pushing him away, and trying to flee as quickly as possible.

Malfoy: Wait up.
He said, making Y/N freeze in place.

Y/N: Stupid. HOW COULD YOU BE SO STUPID? Now he's going to make fun of you.
He thought, closing his eyes.

Malfoy: Is this why you've been avoiding me?
He asked.
Y/N then turned around.

He shouted.

Malfoy: WHO CARES!
He shouted back, making Y/N flinch.

Malfoy took a deep breath.

Malfoy: As far as I'm concerned, you are the only one who has despised me. It's always been one-sided. I... Don't exactly despise you.
He said slowly.

Y/N gave him a puzzled look.

Malfoy: So... Why should we bother to hide this? Why don't we... try this out?
He said hopefully.

Y/N's jaw dropped.
Y/N: No way. No fucking way. You're mad. You've completely lost your mind.
He said.

Malfoy: You're the mad one, among the two, if we should see things objectively. And just because we supposedly hated each other since our very first day here... It doesn't mean we can't at least try.
He said.

Y/N looked away.
Y/N: Technically he does have a point... And yeah, maybe I'm the mad one, but people like me nonetheless, so fuck you.
He thought.

Then, he slowly looked at him.
Y/N: Do you... Really want to do this?
He asked.
Malfoy nodded.

Malfoy: There's an Hogsmeade trip, next week. Maybe we can go together?
He said.

Y/N couldn't believe his ears.

Y/N: Y-Yeah.
He muttered.

Malfoy smiled at him.
Malfoy: Great. I'll see you, then.
He said, leaving.

Y/N walked back to the common room, more confused than ever, and sat by the fireplace, staring into nothingness.

Hermione noticed that, and walked towards him.

Hermione: What's going on?
She asked, startling him.

Y/N: I... Uh... Have a date with Malfoy. Next week. Ugh, I can't believe I really said this.
He said, cringing.

Her eyes widened, upon hearing that.
Hermione: You told him?!
She asked, excitedly.

Maybe a little too excited, in Y/N's opinion.

Y/N: It's not like I wanted to! My plan failed miserably, because I made things too obvious, and maybe because I can't keep my mouth shut, but that's not the point!
He said, sighing.

Hermione: Well, I told you, didn't I? It wouldn't have worked.
She said, smirking triumphantly.

Y/N gloomly slumped down.
Y/N: I don't know, Hermione. I have a really bad feeling, about this whole thing. I feel like I'll be the one who'll get hurt because of this.
He slowly said, looking at the fireplace.

Hermione: Don't be so negative! Just be yourself, and enjoy your date.
She said, nudging his shoulder playfully.

Y/N sighed.
Y/N: If you say so.
He muttered.

The week went by pretty quickly.
Maybe too quickly, in Y/N's opinion, but he could do nothing about it.

During the week, both he and Harry had met with Dumbledore, who had showed them both a memory in the Pensieve.

It was about the first time he had met Voldemort, and then, he showed them another memory, where Voldemort had asked something to Slughorn.

However, unlike the previous one, the memory had been corrupted by Slughorn himself, in the attempt to conceal that matter.

He was currently in possession of the original one.

Their goal was to gain his trust, and put their hands on the memory.

If they succeeded, then they would have been able to collect the final piece, and then finally understand how to destroy Voldemort.

Harry had offered to do that, and Y/N didn't complain.

Y/N couldn't also help but notice that Harry kept carrying his potions book around.

Y/N had once read the name of the previous owner by accident, and couldn't help but think that the guy wasn't really good at choosing nicknames.

It was some wierdo called "Half-Blood Prince or whatever", as he called him.

The Hogsmeade trip finally arrived, and Y/N was somehow excited.

That's why, that day, he went alone, instead of going with Harry and Ron.

He couldn't let them find it out.
If they ever did, then it would've been the end.
829 words.

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗛𝗮𝗹𝗳-𝗕𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗱 𝗣𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗲 | Harry Potter x Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now