Sleepy Friends · 01

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Izuku tiptoed through the halls of the student dormitory of class 1-A. Earlier he had woken up in cold sweat and heavy breathing from a nightmare he's been having. It kept replaying over and over in his head.

It was an excruciating and gruesome memory he wished he didn't have to remember on the daily.

He tried blocking it out for now as he was still on his own personal mission of getting to the kitchen. Izuku especially tried being very quiet when passing Katsukis dorm room.

Waking him up would mean waking up the entire building and just pure explosions. Not that Izuku was afraid of the blonde but he feared to wake everyone else up because of it. He wasn't on good terms with him entirely even after somewhat making up in Ground Beta.

After Ground Beta, Katsuki didn't bat an eye or talk to Izuku at all after. Personally he hoped they could finally get along after years of torment amd hatred. It's been so many years since he's even seen him genuinely smile.


Izuku froze in place and shrugged his shoulders up at how loud the floorboards whined. His heart pounded against his ribcage. He stayed still and listened for any disturbance in the silence.

The only thing he could hear was his own loud heartbeat. The silence was also deafening and he really didn't like that. Usually in these halls it would never pipe down. Usually the girls would be yelling at Mineta or Katsuki would be shouting slurs at everyone.

After stealthily clearing the halls he made it to the main room and turned right immediately to the kitchen.

He sighed in relief he made it past all the rooms without a sound and started to search the cabinets for a cup. Izuku pulled out a small glass cup and hovered it under the faucet. He ran the cold water and filled it up halfway. Turning it back off he raised the glass up to his mouth until-

"Midoriya?" Izuku jumped which made some water in the glass cup splash out on to the floor and his face. Apprehensively he turned around to the owner of the monotone voice.

The jade green eyes came into contact with two different colored ones, light blue and gray. "Ah, Todoroki" He sheepishly commented before grabbing paper towels to drop on the floor and soak up the spilt water.

"What are you doing up so late?" Todoroki asked while walking up to the disturbed greenette. Izuku only drank from the glass cup and left it in the sink. He threw the soaked paper towels in the trash and faced his friend.

"I... had some nightmares" Izuku hesitantly admitted. His face was dusted with a light pink blush only because of how embarrassed he felt to be caught by Todoroki.

Rubbing the sleep from his eyes Todoroki leaned against the kitchen counter and focused on his shorter friend standing next to him. "Do you want to talk about it?" Izuku shook his head with a saddened expression. The air now felt heavy and melancholy around the pair.

The white and red haired boy hummed then patted Izukus back. "It is only a dream, they can not hurt you" He reassured.

"Thank you Todo" Izuku warmly smiled and the air lifted quite quickly. "So, why are you awake?" He changed the subject now that he was in a better mood.

"I got hungry, I havent eaten all day" Todoroki admitted before he started to walk around the kitchen island to go to the fridge.

Izuku glanced at the pantry to the right of Todo.
"Wanna have some midnight snacks?"

Todorokis face lit up with a hint of excitement to hang out with Izuku for the first time in a while. He nodded at the offer with a small smile.

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