Izukus Worst Nightmare · 06

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The air in Izukus lungs seemed to escape from him in the moment. His green eyes primarily focused on one person lieing on the floor with blood pooling around them. An unsettling feeling in his stomach swirled around causing him to place a shaky hand over his belly.

His heart felt like it completely stopped, the beating couldn't keep going and his chest hurt like hell. The dread he felt in his body felt unbearable.

Terrified and scared was an understatement. A hitched gasp finally emitted from Izuku as he felt his legs giving up on him. Gravity fell heavy on his body as he fell forward on to his hands and knees.

So many emotions welled up inside him that tears refused to spill from his eyes. He couldn't hear anything, only the deafening ringing of his eardrums. Izuku couldn't get a word out of his shaking body, it was stuck in his throat.

"Kac.. Kacchan" Izuku quietly cried out. The body didn't move and Izuku felt his heart drop even lower.

His eyes didn't move an inch from the body and he forced his own body to move. Izukus legs shook violently with every movement he made. He felt so weak yet he forced his body to drunkenly make his way to him.

The closer he got the weaker his body felt, gravity has gotten much more crueler. Over and over he choked out his name. "Kacchan!" He repeated over and over, each time he got louder and louder. He wobbled up to the body then harshly collapsed onto the right side of it.

Finally he was face to face with the bloodied blonde. His heart stopped again but this time it was more painful than the last. Izuku observed their once fierce and prideful red eyes now lifeless and dull.

Fresh red blood was splattered everywhere that it was so hard to ignore it. Izuku called to him yet there was no response...

Katsuki was dead.

Izuku shook the dead body with his eyes still glued to Katsukis expressionless face. "...Kacchan wake up" His voice shook like his body. "Answer me Kacchan.." He continued to talk.


Izuku felt words get stuck in his throat and he felt his eyes watering. His vision was getting blurry and it caused him to lose sight of the blonde. He quickly wiped them away to keep his eyes on Katsuki. He can't let him out of his sight. "Kacchan! Stop messing around and get up!" He finally yelled.

The pain in his heart grew and started to spread across his chest. "You aren't dead! You're just messing with me like always!" Izuku started to scream. His throat hurt from it but he didn't care.

"Kacchan get up!" He screamed once more while pulling Katsuki up to his face. No words, no movement, nothing came from them. Izuku hugged Katsukis lifeless body and violently sobbed.

Every breath he took in would immediately turn to sobs every breath out. He kept howling Katsukis name in hopes to recieve an answer that he knew would never come.

Izuku looked at Katsuki to see that his body was starting to decay. The flesh started to rot and wither away while Katsukis eyes stared directly into Izukus.

"KACCHAN" Izuku sat up on his bed with his heart beating at a hundred miles per hour. Sweat had dripped from his forehead down to his chin and fresh tears dripped from his eyes and fell onto his blankets that quickly soaked it up.

His breathing was heavy and his body was shaking like crazy. Izuku patted his chest to stop his consistent heart from beating out of his ribcage. That was by far the scariest nightmare that he had ever witnessed in his life.

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