Hangover · 13

491 8 7

Izuku uncomfortably shifted in his sleep and groggily opened his eyes. At first it was a little blurry until he started to rub the sleep from his eyes. Carefully the greenette lifted himself off the surface of where he slept. A horrible pain stabbed his temple and he immediately laid back down to ease it as quick as it came. It felt like his brain was swelling against his skull and it felt extremely painful.

He whined while holding his head with his hands.
So painful.

"Mmmh quit your bitchin," Groaned what sounded like Katsuki beside him. Izuku didn't think much of hearing Katsuki beside him since he pretty much slept near him all the time for the sake of his dreams, but the sight was an entirely different story.

Izukus emerald eyes landed directly to Bakugos neck. Katsuki wasn't facing him, his back was faced toward the smaller male but his neck was still very visible. A gasp escaped the greenette which caused Katsuki to go into full defense mode. The blonde got up immediately and whipped his head around almost like a wild animal.

"WHAT, WHAT ARE YOU GASPING ABOUT?!" Yelled the hothead. Izuku practically hopped out of the bed and straight to the dresser across from them to look at the mirror on top of it.

Izuku didn't have any bites or marks anywhere on his neck but Katsuki was completely covered in them. The freckled male yanked the taller boys shirt down to be on the same level. Izuku pointed to the mirror and shouted, "Kacchan you have bites!"

Swiftly the muscular hero pushed Izuku to the side with his red fiery eyes glued to the mirror. His fingertips ghosted over the bite marks. "What did you do you fucking animal?!"

"I wasn't the one who tried to eat you, we have a cannibal amongst us!" Izuku put his hands on his head as his head started pulsing even more. It hurt so much it felt like his eyes were going to slip out from his eyesockets from all this stress. He looked up at the blonde who stared at him dumbfounded and baffled.

Katsukis face morphed into pure rage. His palms ignited with tiny explosions. "...ARE YOU MENTALLY HANDICAPPED?!" He whinced and growled once he felt the hangover fully kick in. He leaned on the dresser with one hand and used the other to rub his temple.

"Kacchan be serious! A cannibal tried to eat you!" Izuku argued.

"Deku, you damn moron" Katsuki pinched the bridge of his nose and tried to dumb it down for the greenette. "You are the cannibal"

His expression could only be described as offended from this wild accusation."I didn't try to eat you!"

"Of course you didn't! You gave me hickeys!" Yelled the

"Hickeys?" Izukus brows went up and he stared at the markings messily decorated on the taller boys neck. Katsuki was on the brink of exploding the entire cabin, maybe even the whole beach.

The blonde looked through the empty drawers of the cabin room. "Are you really that dense? Hickeys are basically bite marks you give other people on their neck to get them... Aroused"


"Horny, do you need me to explain that too?!"

"No, Kacchan! I'm just... confused"

"On what part?"

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