Somewhat Sleepover · 03

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"Do you think we should have a sleepover?" Kirishima asled out of the blue. Katsuki shot him a weird glare and focused back on the TV that displayed a video game they were both playing. "Why would I want to have a sleep with a bunch of extras"

"Well it's not all about sleeping, it's like a-" Kirishima was rudely cut off with Katsukis shouting.

"I know what a sleepover is dumbass!" The blonde fumed with anger nearly breaking the controller in his hands.

Kirishima chuckled. "So can we have one?"

"I don't know why you're asking me, I don't run this damn place" Katsuki rolled his red eyes and tried focusing on the game.

"Oooh! Maybe we could have our whole class have a sleepover!" Kirishima grinned. His grin immediately faltered once Katsuki finished him off in Mortal Kombat.

The screen displayed a gruesome fatality to Kirishimas player. Katsuki only grinned at the sight of his own character winning.

"Scorpion Wins" The game announced.

"Even if you hosted a stupid sleepover, where are you gonna find a big enough room for all of them" Katsuki threw the controller to the left side of him where Kirishima sat.

He now had a toothy grin on his face and gestured around them. "Here in the living room! We could move the couch back and-"

"Who is we?" Katsuki raised his brow.

"Me and you"

"I'm not sleeping in the same room with a bunch of extras, your idiocy combined with the others will start infecting me" Katsuki turned around and started to make his way to his dorm.

"Are you just too chicken?" Kirishima smiled knowing Katsuki wasn't going to back down from a challenge.

Katsuki stopped dead in his tracks with a furious look on his face when he turned around. "Bite your damn tongue shitty hair, I can handle anything!" He yelled out.

"We'll see about that" The red head mumbled to himself and mischievously grinned.

Izuku spread his blanket across the cushions of the couch. Everyone in class 1-A was in the living room laying out their futons on the floor. His classmates all agreed that he should take the couch since they were all filled in on his sleeping problems.

The greenette found and felt it strange to be the only one on the couch. It felt like some kind of weird ritual. Though some of his classmates argued over the couch, some being Katsuki, and Mineta.

Katsukis reasoning being he wanted the best and comfortable spot in living room away from the floor of normies. Minetas being for perverted reasons which was an automatic, 'stay in your dorm you're not invited' from everyone.

Izuku rubbed his eye with a shaking and quivering yawn. He already felt like going to sleep.

Mina whined, "Come on Midoriya, at least stay up a little longer for the games!"

"Don't push him, he's already tired enough" Jiro argued.

Izuku shook his hands in front of himself in a defensive way. "It's fine you guys, I can stay up for a bit longer"

"Yeah right, this nerd will pass out before nine" Katsuki budded in. Mina stuck out her tongue at the hot headed blonde.

"That another challenge Bakubro?!" Kirishima walked in the living room with pillows piled in his arms. He strided over to Katsuki who glared him down. "I'll bet you broccoli head will stay up past nine!"

Katsuki scoffed, "We'll see"

His ruby red eyes glanced over at Izukus shiny emerald eyes accidentally making direct eye contact. Izuku looked away first with a anxious blush dusting his cheeks.

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