The Back Of Spencers · 08

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Izuku sat down at the mall bench holding his wallet in his hands. 'I can't believe I forgot my money of all things' He mentally scolded himself.

His wallet contained nothing but two bucks at the moment. He forgot to take the money his mom left for him on his dresser. Izuku slouched in the seat and mentally beat himself up over the fact he forgot the most important thing.

All he could do now is watch everyone get things for the trip while he goes unprepared. Todoroki walked up to him with two bags hanging on his arms. "Midoriya, what are you doing? Shouldn't you be going out to buy necessities for the beach"

"I forgot my money today" Izuku said sheepishly and slouched again. He scooted over for Todoroki who sat beside him.

Todoroki rolled his eyes with the same deadpanned face. "I would have given you some money but I only had enough for myself" He gestured to the bags.

Izuku shook his head. "No worries, I'm not gonna ask for money, I'll just visit home to get some old ones"

"Won't they be too small?"

"Yeah" Izuku hung his head low and sighed in defeat. Even though he lived pretty close to a beach, he hasn't thought about going for a swim so swimming trunks never really crossed his mind. The greenette leaned back and caught a few glimpses of his classmates.

He saw Mina, Uraraka, and Iida hanging out at the food court. Tokoyami, Jiro, Tsuyu, and Hagakure in Hot Topic. Then there was Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero in a video game store. Lastly Sato, Koda, Ojiro, and Shoji were browsing through the mall.

His mind then started wondering, where is kacchan?

"What are you bozos doing?" A loud voice asked from behind Todoroki. Izuku looked behind him to see Katsuki eyeballing them both with a not so friendly expression.

Todoroki shrugged. "We are just talking"

Katsuki sat between them with his arms crossed and one of his legs rested on top of the other. "About?"

"How Midoriya forgot to bring his money"

"Todo!" Izuku whined. Katsuki just laughed at the new information.

"And what, you're asking Icy Hot for money?" He looked Todoroki up and down then rolled his eyes.

"No, I was just gonna go home and get some old ones" Izuku nervousky fiddled with his thumbs and looked away.

"That's stupid," Katsuki got up from the bench. "C'mon I'll get you something"

"Are you sure though? I dont wanna-"

"HURRY UP WE DON'T HAVE ALL DAY" Katsuki cut him off and grabbed his wrist then forced him up off the seat. Todoroki waved goodbye while Izuku was being dragged away silently crying for help.

The pair went up an escalator and to a few shops that offered swimming trunks. Izuku kept nervously walking away since he still felt bad for making the blonde pay for him. Although it only pissed off Katsuki that he wouldn't just pick something to get it over with.

This kept on going for about ten minutes and the mall was coming pretty close to closing up in about half an hour.

Izuku suddenly stopped in front of a Spencers and stared at it. The front of the shop looked so cool to him and had a few pieces of merch of All Might. He gawked at the window display full of merch with sparkles in his eyes. Katsuki tiredly walked up mext to the fanboy and looked at the sign of the shop. He seemed apprehensive to go in and Izuku wondered why.

"Are you sure you wanna go in there?" Katsuki asked while he stood in front of the open doors with Izuku beside him.

"Why what's in here?" Izuku walked in with the blonde following behind him. Instead of explaining why he just mumbled, "Your funeral I guess"

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