Breakfast · 15

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Katsuki drove through the city of Hosu with Izuku, admiring the scenery in the passenger's seat. Katsuki was looking for a decent-looking place to eat that wouldn't taste like shit. So far, his search has been unsuccessful. "Do you know any places that serve decent food?"

Izuku hummed while thinking about it. Usually, he doesn't go out for breakfast. His mom would cook it for him all the time. Although there was one time he went out for breakfast at an old shack, it served the best flapjacks.

"Mmm, I know a place that serves good pancakes!"

Katsuki hummed before asking, "Anything spicy in it?"

"Uhm, I'm not sure,"

"Fuck it, type in the address, by the time we find a good place it won't be morning anymore" Katsuki handed his phone to Izuku while keeping his eyes on the road. The greenette took the phone and was about to ask for the password when it had just opened.

"Kacchan you don't have a password?"

"No, do I need to?"

"No, but you should at least have one just in case"

"I'll just forget the password"

"Then pick a password you can't forget" Izuku smiled while he typed in the address to the place.

The hothead glanced at Izuku who was focused on typing the address on his phone. Katsuki chewed on the inside of his cheek while furrowing his brows. He was thinking, thinking of what password to put into his phone.

It wasn't a super important thing for him to put in a password, but since Izuku took an interest in it, he did too.


"This feels like a date"

Katsuki choked on his water and roughly beat his chest to clear his lungs. He coughed, "Hah?!"

"Shhh Kacchan!" Izuku shyly glanced around him to see if he was drawing attention to them. Since it was pretty busy the noise levels were the same as his shouting. "I said it just feels like one"

"You are delusional," Katsuki insulted while patting his chest to ease coughing. At the moment they were waiting for their food to arrive at the table. Izuku had ordered the same thing he had last time, and Katsuki ordered super spicy noodles per usual. Luckily the diner they were eating at served a spicy breakfast.

The green-haired boy rolled his eyes at the insult and then sipped his drink. He picked at his fingernails as an awkward silence lingered between them. Super uncomfy. Katsuki was trying his best to avoid the situation by scrolling through Pinterest or playing games on his phone.

Izuku however couldn't help but steal a few glances at the hotheaded student in front of him. The freckled boy had to admit it was out of the ordinary for Kats to take him out for breakfast. Katsuki doesn't always eat breakfast and Izuku is a pig when it comes to food. If Katsuki ever did eat breakfast, he would give the rest to Izuku if he couldn't finish it all.

Maybe Katsuki remembered how much he loved to eat, or he brought him to make fun of him for being a pig. Who knows, Izuku sure as hell didn't know.

"Here you guys are" A waitress brought along two plates of food and set them down in front of them both. Izuku sat up immediately as he saw the plate of pancakes display itself. Katsuki smiled, 'It's just like when we were kids' "Ah excuse me, sir?" Katsuki's smile instantly faded once the waitress grabbed his attention.

"What" He answered coldly.

"I was wondering if I could get your number?" She asked with a nervous giggle. Izuku didn't dare tear his eyes away from the plate of pancakes in front of him as he listened to their conversation. Katsuki only huffed angrily and held out his hand. She seemed confused at his gesture.

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