Early Bird Gets The Worm · 07

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The mornings were always chilly and freezing to Izuku. It would always send chills and goosebumps all around his body. Luckily he didn't have to wake up to that. Instead he woke up to Katsukis sleeping face half covered up by his pillow.

He always looked peaceful when he was asleep, Katsukis eyebrows could finally relax from always being narrowed on the daily. Izuku kept admiring Katsukis sleeping face as he found it cute that even the most enraged of people could look peaceful.

Izuku then heard his stomach growl which caused Katsuki to twitch in his sleep and move away from the greenette. The freckled high schooler felt bad he was bothering Bakugo in his sleep and decided to get himself food to cease the stomach noises.

Izuku carefully climbed over Katsukis sleeping body and stepped onto the hardwood floor. Thank god he wore socks since the floor felt freezing to the touch even with his socks on. He looked back at the sleeping beauty and gave him a quick peck on his cheek before quickly leaving the room. It wasn't a sign of love kind of kiss, just a thank you. Yeah, just a thanks.

He shivered from how cold it was outside of Katsukis room and rubbed his arms as an attempt to warm up. Izuku stopped by his room to pull his blanket off his mattress and take it to the kitchen where he started to make himself breakfast.

It was Sunday morning which meant everyone is at home yet no one is up early. Since everyone uses up their energy on Saturdays, everyone sleeps in during Sundays.

Izuku took that opportunity to take the very last box of cereal and pour it into his bowl. He threw the box away in the recycling and poured milk into his cereal then quietly ate it at the kitchen island.

"You are secretly evil" Bakugo laughed from around the corner of the kitchen. He walked in to see Izuku coughing up the cereal and trying to make excuses all at the same time. "Relax shitnerd, I'm the same way" He said while leaning on the kitchen island beside the greenette who looked at him confused. "Guess whose been stealing the whole box of poptarts and left an empty box"

Izuku glared at him then started to pout. He was really looking forward to having one of those. Mister Aizawa was the one whose been sending in those giant boxes of sweets after hard training. He always wondered why they never showed up in the pantry.

Katsuki smiled once he saw Izuku pouting from the newfound secret. "Raccoon eyes isn't the only one who keeps a secret stash" Out from his pocket he presented Izuku one of the foiled packets the greenette drooled over constantly. "If you let me have your cereal, I'll give you one of these"

Izuku hummed before slowly sliding the bowl over while taking the foiled treat. Katsuki smirked and took the bowl of cereal while the green haired boy started opening the little packet. "You might know me a little too good"

"I know that you liked sweets in the morning no matter the occasion" Katsuki commented before giving himself a little flashback of how he remembered.

Katsuki was 8 years old who had barely woken up to his best friend Izuku at the dinner table. Izuku was a year younger and was swinging his feet while zoning out.

Last night Izuku was supposed to just have a play date at the blondes house but Katsukis mom insisted on them staying over for longer. His mom just really loved talking and gossiping to Izukus mom.

The blonde boy climbed up on to a chair beside Izuku who occupied himself with a piece of candy. "Where did you get that?" Katsuki asked out of curiosity.

Izuku glanced at him then took a bite out of the sweet treat. "Mommy gave it to me"

"She let's you have candy in the morning?" Katsuki asked while scooting his chair closer to get a better look at it. It was a tiny chocolate cake pop that had a small bite on the side.

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