Katsukis Real Thoughts · 05

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"Yea?" I looked over to Deku who sat cross legged next to me. His beautiful emerald eyes staring right back into mine.

His aura was completely carefree amd his expression looked the same. "Do you ever think that maybe you go too far?" He asked with worry on his face. I looked away.

My head hung low to think of the many times I would hurt him. He would always worry for me when he should worry about himself. The guilt and shame squeezed at my heart and soul for my past deeds. "...Always"

He hummed and looked away from me. "Why do you do it?"

I stayed silent. I've always wondered that myself...

"I don't know"

Deku stayed silent too. I looked back at his freckled face looking out at the distance in front of us. His soft green hair and eyes that were almost the same color. Dekus spotted cheeks always brought out his damned eyes. So beautiful...

I wish I had the guts to tell him how I felt. All I've ever thought about was him. His determination, dedication, admiration, and his caring nature. That's why I wanted to be Number One. For him to care for me like he does with All Might.

I have all this damn carelessness for everything, but sometimes with Deku I try to be more careful with my words. I want to be better, for him.

"When will you ever confess to me Kacchan?"

My heart pounded against my chest when I looked back at him. He was on all fours with his face extremely close to mine. Not that I was uncomfortable, it just took me by surprise. Dekus eyes were looking down to my lips.

His fingertips ghosted over my lips and the sensation felt incredible. Grabbing onto his wrist and putting his palm to my mouth, I gave it a small kiss and responded with,

"Some day Izu, some day..."


"Turn your flash off you're gonna wake them!"

"Ya think I should blackmail him these pictures?"


"I don't think taking pictures of our classmates is a normal thing to do"

"What isn't normal about blackmailing Bakugo"

"Literally everything you just said"

"Oh my gosh, I should send these to his mom!"

Katsuki slowly opened his eyes and glared towards Kirishima who held up his phone to his own smiling face. Everyone who once crowded him has immediately backed away.

The scary thing about it was that Katsuki was dead silent, which was more terrifying than him yelling and shouting. They knew when he was silent, his rage would be explosive if they had set him off. He was really just like a grenade.

Kirishima nervously laughed and put his phone away in his pocket. "Ooor maybe I'll just send old embarrassing photos of everyones childhood photos to you to forget about everything I just said"

"HOW DO YOU HAVE THOSE" The rest of the classmates yelled at Kirishima who just pointed to Kaminari peacefully eating cereal.

While the class went off into scolding dumb and dumber, Katsuki returned his attention to the situation everyone was yapping about just a few seconds ago.

Izuku was between his legs, arms underneath Katsukis torso, and head resting on his chest. Bakugo knew as soon as he gets up his back is possibly gonna dislocate from this messed up position but he endured it for a little longer.

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