Sunburnt Freckles · 10

587 13 19

"Kacchan stop, I can't stretch any farther!~" Izuku moaned tiredly. Every muscle in his body kept tensing up every time Katsuki would keep pushing him down farther.

Katsuki kept pushing the greenette down further and further without giving Izuku a chance to catch his breath. Both of them were sweating profusely from all this action. "Just relax nerd~"

"I'm trying!" Izuku finally gave up and rolled over onto his side limply.

"Jesus christ you are so stiff" Katsuki rolled his eyes and wiped the sweat off his forehead with a cold wet rag. He used the rag to avoid exploding the entire room with his sweat. "Don't you ever stretch?"

"I didn't have a reason to until today" Izuku panted and sat up using his elbows to prop himself up. His face was all sweaty and his cheeks were all red from the extremely difficult stretching positions.

Katsuki squinted and furrowed his brows. "It shows" He tossed the cold rag onto Izukus face. Said boy just let it happen and laid down on his back with the rag soaking up the sweat on his face.

For further context, today Izuku had felt that he had been so stiff with his movements since he's been inheriting one for all. He felt like he needed to be more flexible with all these new quirks in order to use them better and more efficiently. Of course he asked Bakugo since really he was incredibly flexible and he's seen it in action.

A few seconds ago Katsuki agreed to help, with conditions of course, by folding him in half like a taco. It was hard to teach Izuku who was just as stubborn as him so it caused him to use some force in order to get it through his thick head.

"You have to stretch like this everyday if you really want to be flexible" Katsuki pulled Izuku back up into a sitting position and forced him to touch the tip of his feet again.

Izuku felt his stomach fold and his insides uncomfortably shift. His lungs felt like they were being squashed and not letting him inhale enough oxygen "How do you breathe like this?!"

"Breathe slower and relax your muscles, don't let your back curve, straighten it," Katsuki ordered as he smoothed his hand over Izukus back. It tickled Izuku and he couldn't relax his body from the new sensation. "I SAID RELAX GOD DAMN IT" Katsuki smacked Izukus back who kept on stiffening his damn body.

"I CAN'T IF YOU'RE YELLING AND HITTING ME LIKE THAT" Izuku argued back with a small wheeze.

"SHUT UP IT'S TOO EARLY IN THE MORNING" Mineta screamed from the hallways before slamming the door to his room.

The boys then stared at each other then nervously chuckled. It wasn't because of Mineta being mad they were nervous, it was because of what Aizawa would do if he kept hearing them. Izuku then tried his best to relax his body and started leaning down by himself.

Katsuki rested his hand on Izukus back and helped him out by pushing down on his back muscle. "There you go Deku" He reassured before putting his hand away.

"Huh?-" Izuku looked forward to see that he finally managed to touch his toes just barely with his fingertips. The greenette grinned with pride filling his heart.

"Keep this up and you might even surpass me.. In thirty years" Katsuki laughed while Izuku used black whip to smack the blonde behind his head. Said boy whipped his head around to see who did it but didn't see anyone.

He rubbed the back of his head until he felt it again but this time on the back of his shoulder. Katsuki started to get pissed as this time he looked down at Izuku who looked innocent and occupied with his stretches.

Before Izuku could land another hit on the blonde, Katsuki instantly turned around and held on tight to the whip like matter. He tugged it and instantly made Izuku stumble over to him.

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