Nodding Off · 02

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Izuku drunkenly walked down the halls of UA High School. His head pounded and he felt like he could pass out at any moment he closes his eyes. Sleep hasn't been easy to achieve lately.

Sliding open the classroom door of 1-A he already heard Katsuki telling kirishima to buzz off and Mineta getting yelled at by Mina. Uraraka seemed to appear out of thin air right next to Izuku. It didn't surprise him since this was pretty common from her.

"You alright Deku?" Uraraka poked his cheek which resluted in his eyes popping open and waking up a little.

His face expressed worry and apprehension. "Ah yeah, just slept funny today" Izuku reassured.

"I do hope you aren't suffering from severe lack of sleep Midoriya" Iida walked up to the short greenette.

As if on cue, Todoroki walked in and rested his hand on Izukus shoulder. "Me and Izu couldn't sleep last night so we had ourselves a movie night and didn't get enough sleep, we are fine though" Todoroki explained with the same deadpanned face he would give everyone.

Uraraka and Iida exchanged glances at each other and only grinned. "I see, well make sure it will not happen again" Iida noted before guiding Uraraka and himself to their own seats.

"Thanks again Todo" Izuku sighed and rubbed his eyes trying to wake himself up again. Todoroki also had bags under his eyes which weren't as noticeable as Izukus.

Seeing as their free time was now officially over they seated in their regular everyday spots.

Aizawa opened the door to his classroom looking disheveled as always. He walked towards the podium of where he went on to teach about heroic duties and such.

Izuku who was supposed to be writing notes in his notebook was nodding off once again. His head felt like it was trying to balance a stack of bricks and everytime he leaned one way it would swing his head around. Izukus neck started to hurt from how much strain his head was giving.

His eyes felt so heavy that he almost wished Uraraka used her quirk to keep them open.

Suddenly he jerked awake once he saw Katsuki turning around to pass him paper. Izuku quickly took the stack from him, grabbing one for himself, and passed it on.

Focusing on the paper now he tried his best to at least answer the questions or read at all. He looked at one of the sentences and squinted.

1. When a civilian is trapped and a villain is escaping, what do you do?

Izuku reread the sentence again.

1. When a villian is trapped and a civilian is escaping, what do you do?

His brows furrowed and kept rereading the sentence to try and make sense of what he just saw.

1. Civilian escaping and is a trapped villain, do you do what?

Izuku rubbed his eyes and rapidly blinked. The words kept jumbling and it wasn't making any sense. He looked around himself to see his classmates just about finishing up the test while he struggled on the first question.

Now feeling pressured that he's behind, he chose random multiple choice answers and signed his name. Did these quizzes always go by this quickly? Maybe if I paid attention I would have answered it pretty quickly.

Izuku looked up to see what Katsuki was doing. At the moment he wasn't doing anything since he was already finished. He was fiddling with a wooden pencil between his fingertips and occasionally biting the wooden part of the pencil.

He wished he was as fearless as Katsuki, the blonde seemed fearless seemed like he would swat away nightmares with a flick of a finger.


"Ah yes Mister Aizawa?" Izuku tensed up in his seat.

Aizawa raised an eyebrow and gave Izuku an odd look. "You and Kaminari will be teaming up for todays lesson for having the lowest scores" The whole class gasped and immediately snapped their heads to Izuku, even Kaminari stared in complete shock.

Izuku was definitely wide awake now.

"How did you manage to fail that badly?! You're usually behind Bakugo or Shoto in the top five!" Iida karate chopped Izukus head as some sort of punishment. It didn't hurt since it was just a light smack but Izuku felt terrible.

Iida, Todoroki, Uraraka, and Izuku all sat at a square shaped table in the cafeteria. Each of them were seated on one corner with Izuku and Todoroki one one side, and Uraraka and Iida on the other.

Iida continued scolding the greenette for scoring so low. "Something is definitely up with you, you never score lowest"

"It's just been hard to sleep is all" Izuku admitted while rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"Well you must be really exhausted considering you scored even lower than Kaminari" Todoroki commented before taking a bite out of his soba.

Izuku groaned before hanging his head back. "I don't know what's been going on, I've been having so many nightmares that it's scary to even try and sleep"

Todoroki glanced at Izuku. "Can you describe them?"

Izuku hesitated. His throat closed up and fear started to overtake his system. Quickly he shook his head and averted his gaze from his friends. They looked at each other with anxious and worried faces.

"That scary?" Uraraka asked.

Izuku nodded and rubbed his arm to calm himself down. "But, this morning was strange for me. I had the nightmare same as last time but at the very end everything just went away, I was just... at peace-"

"Until Bakugo threw us off the couch" Todoroki rolled his eyes.

Izuku chuckled an, "Oh yeah"

Uraraka scoffed. "Why does Bakugo always like to bully you, he even calls you Deku and other mean nicknames"

Izuku nodded but shrugged. "Well, I did say my hero name was Deku and now you call me that too"

"Only because you wanted me too" Uraraka crossed her arms. Izuku smiled then pushed his food aside and laid his head down in his arms. They all looked at their now sleeping friend and looked at each other.

Iida broke the silence between them all. "Should we do something about this? Without a proper sleep schedule Midoriya will fall behind"

Todoroki set his hand on his own cheek and started to brainstorm. "We can't force him to sleep or else those nightmares could pop up again. Izu needs something that made him feel at peace like before"

"Didn't you sleep beside Izuku and he said he felt at peace at the very end?" Iida poked at Izuku while he slept.

Todoroki shook his head while he answered Iidas question. "I don't think it was me, we slept on the same couch the whole night but he didn't say he was at peace the whole night"

"True, it must have been luck or something, we have to test out some things once we get back to the dorms" Uraraka announced to them.

"He's not an experimental guinea pig Uraraka" Iida and Todoroki said in unison.

"But he does need help!" Uraraka flustered.

"What's up with broccoli head?" Out of nowhere Kirishima appeared behind Izuku.

"What have I said about sneaking up behind people Eijiro!" Iida started to do his robotic arm movements while scolding the red head.

Kirishima chuckled, "Sorry, so what's up with Midoriya?"

"He's been having a lot of nightmares that he's too scared to describe, we want to help but the information he gave us is barely enough to figure out how to avoid it. All he said was that this morning at the very end of his nightmare he felt at peace but we don't know what did" Todoroki explained.

Kirishima hummed in thought and pulled up a chair beside Izuku. The red head suddenly exclaimed. "Bakugo said he woke you and Midoriya up this morning, maybe it's the more people near him the less nightmares?"

Uraraka suddenly smiled brightly, "Kirishima you're a genius! I have a plan and you play the main part in it!" She pointed to Kirishima who in return said,

"I am?"

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