At Peace · 04

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"WHAT?! TOKOYAMI WON?" Mina shouted angrily across the coffee table looking at her cards. Tokoyami was smirking with his system full of pride. "Aren't you supposed to be inexperienced or something?!"

Everyone at the table was hystericay laughing while Katsuki, Tokoyami, and Todoroki were just amused smiling.

"Just because I'm dark and brooding, doesn't mean I'm entirely inexperienced with other things"


"Me and Tokoyami actually went together and it was just on shuffle" Todoroki chuckled while Katsuki burst out laughing.

"ICY HOT SINGING DEEPTHROAT?! OH MY GOD" Katsuki rolled onto his side and went into a laughing fit. He held his stomach as tears started to shed from the corners of his eyes. "NO FUCKIN WAY AHAHAHA" His fist violently banged on the floorboards as he kept laughing. "IT HURTS ITS TOO FUNNY"

Everyone else was laughing with him while Todoroki smiled. Izuku was also laughing but not as hard as Katsuki who couldn't stop the tears.


The day went by pretty quickly, everyone was still laughing and giggling about Tokoyami winning a game meant for girls and Todoroki singing the worlds most inappropriate song.

However the day was filled with the classmates having tons of fun and new permanent memories. Even some embarrassing moments that a few will tease endlessly.

All the classmates were now in the living room watching movies. Kirishima and Katsuki were sitting on one side of Izuku watching his every move. The challenge from before was still on the table.

8:57 pm

Izuku was starting to nod off but kept trying to keep his head up. Kirishima offered him a fizzy drink that Izuku gladly took. "Isn't that cheating?" Katsuki grumbled.

"Since when did you care if it was fair?" Kirishima shot back a smirk. Katsukis eyes narrowed as he started to think up his own plan. Izuku was peacefully drinking the soda in his hands and it made his eyes feel a little less heavy.

Suddenly a blanket was thrown over the greenettes lap and a pillow was put on Katsukis shoulder. Katsuki pulled Izukus head to the pillow to rest his head.

The blonde grinned as he saw how much more comfortable Izuku was getting. Izuku relaxed his grip on the cup of soda and Katsuki took it and set it down on the nightstand next to the couch.

"Get on my level!" Katsuki accidentally shouted. Izuku opened his eyes wide from the sudden loud noise and sat up immediately.

"Shhhh!" Everyone on the floor shushed the blonde on the couch who wanted to blast everyone in the room.

Kirishima smiled and laid back.

"Guess I win"

"No the fuck you didn't it's not-" Katsuki glanced at the time on his phone.

9:02 pm

Katsuki stared at the clock in disbelief. His teeth gritted and his jaw clenched while he looked down at Izuku who just now decided to pass out.

Looking over at Kirishima, the red head wore half lidded eyes and the smuggest grin anyone has ever seen. "Since I won, y'know you have to obey my every order, starting with you sleeping on the couch with Midobro"


The classmates shushed the hotheaded blonde once more who only growled incoherent slander again. Kirishima slipped himself off the couch and on to his own futon in front of the couch.

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