Alcohol · 12

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Izuku covered his ears while staring at his friends dancing around all in a circle. He was sitting on a speaker that of course belonged to Jiro. All his classmates were in a crowd dancing and singing to the songs that played on the speaker underneath the greenette.

It was the third day of their vacation which was the last night they stay until they all pack up tomorrow. Aizawa wasn't at the beach at the moment due to an urgent matter coming up. Mina proposed that they all have a good time partying together for the last night on the beach and everyone agreed. For once Katsuki didn't resist the idea.

After the music had died down for a minute and Jiro was scrolling through her playlist of songs, Kirishima and Kaminari both showed up with a blue cooler. "Hey guys, we have a surprise for everyone!" Kirishima exclaimed as he set down the cooler in front of everyone.

Kaminari opened the lid to reveal at least seven different bottles of alcohol. Everyone gasped and crowded around the pair. "Isn't this considered underage drinking considering we're in high school?"

"Well yeah but we're pretty much adults considering we are close to graduating and about 18"

"18 isn't even the legal age of drinking, you have to be 20" Momo argued.

"Mister Aizawa will kill us if we ever get caught!"

"Isn't drinking bad just in general?"

"Not when you do it with your friends! Like Mina said, we should all have fun for our last day on our vacation!" Kirishima hollered as he picked up the cooler and brought it inside the boys' cabin.

Everyone followed him inside except for Izuku, Uraraka, and Katsuki. Uraraka decided to make the brave decision to sit next to Izuku on the speaker. Katsuki stood by himself facing the beach with his phone in his hand.

"You had really cute swimming trunks yesterday Deku" Uraraka teased Izuku who nervously blushed.

He looked away from her and waved his hand dismissively. "Ah I didn't pick these but thank you anyway" He started to fiddle with the strings of his cargo pants while sheepishly smiling.

They both giggled while Katsuki now sat down on the sand, he let the brisk ocean wind hit his face and lift away part of his hair. He stared at the line where the sky meets the sea to distract himself from their conversation.

Though for Katsuki it was hard to ignore what the greenette talks about.

"What are you gonna do once we get back to the dorms?" Uraraka inquired. Izuku hummed before looking at the cloudy sky above him in thought.

His shoulders shrugged. "I think I'm just going to stay in Kacchans room"

Katsuki perked up from hearing his name but kept facing towards the ocean shore. His mind raced with questions and his resting mad face grew angrier with each thought.

"Why? Are the nightmares still there?" Uraraka prodded again.

Izuku nodded. "They aren't as frequent as before but they still reoccur. I know we've only been here for almost a week but It's been on and off nightmares. If Kacchan is some sort of dream catcher like you guys said, I think I would much rather stay with him then have another night terror" The greenette shivered at the memory again.

Katsuki suddenly found the grains of sand beneath his feet amusing once he heard one of them get up from behind him.

"Welp, I guess I can't argue with that. If you're available when we get back, text me b'cause I need to tell you something real important, okay?" Uraraka warmly smiled then left towards the cabins once she saw him nod.

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