Embarrassing • 16

356 11 11

Izuku poked his head out of the classroom and scanned over the crowd of high-school students to find a certain spiky haired blonde, which seemed to be nowhere in sight. Where is he? Did he forget? Nervously, the green haired boy backed up into the classroom and fiddled with the cuff of his uniform.

"What has you so troubled, Midoriya?" Iida appeared behind him with worry pulling his brows together. Izuku wasn't startled since he had already sensed his presence before he even started looking.

The freckled boy hummed before answering. "Have you seen Kacchan? He hasn't been around since.. uhm, " He thought back to the time at the Diner and how he kind of made it awkward.

Was it okay to tell Iida he left campus early in the morning for breakfast with Katsuki? Iida was kind of a stickler for rules when it came to school.

"Since uhm?" Inquired Iida.

Izuku shook his head and scratched the back of his neck. "Nothing, I just wanted to ask if I could get something back from him,"

"Ah, did Bakugo take something of value to you?"

Izuku averted his gaze from Iida. "Not exactly," he replied sheepishly.

"I'll be sure to inform him that he must return it." Iida raised his arm up robotically as to state a fact. Izuku practically sprung up from his sulking position.

"NO, no, that's OK!" Panicked the freckled boy. "Don't worry about it, Iida. I can tell him myself!"

Iida cocked an eyebrow at his friends odd behavior but shrugged it off as one of Izukus 'geeking out moments'

"Well speaking of telling people things, Shoto and Uraraka are saving a spot for us in the lunchroom and have asked me to come and retrieve you." Informed the tall student.

Izuku looked down to his shoes. He walked around the classroom and sat down on his assigned seat. "Actually, I don't feel like eating today, I'll be taking a nap in class,"

"Are you not getting enough sleep again? Not only that, you need to eat to better perform any activities we may be given during class!"

"I know, just this once could I not eat and just.. sleep?"

"...Well alright, I'll let this one slide. But as your class rep, or better, your friend, I do hope tomorrow you could consider eating with the rest of our friends." Iida patted his shoulder to which Izuku half-heartedly smiled to.

Iida nodded before taking his leave and closing the door behind him, leaving Izuku to think.

And so he did.

Izuku folded his arms on the desk and laid his head down on top of them.

'Did Kacchan forget he was supposed to walk with me to lunch? Maybe he changed his mind or got bored of the idea.'

As his head filled with thoughts about the short tempered blonde, his leg bounced as he started to think irrationally.

'Did he get grossed out by thinking about what I did at the beach? What if he thinks I was being perverted by asking him to go with me to lunch? Would he even think that? What am I talking about!? This is Kacchan we are talking about! He most likely remembered he is cooler than me and just ditched me!.. yeah.'

A yawn managed to cloud his thoughts for a little while until his eyes began to close. A heavy sigh escaped his nostrils before burying his face into his arms.


"Oi.. OI!" Izuku snapped his head up suddenly and whipped his head around to look at the source of the yelling. It was none other than the high and mighty, Katsuki, with his arms crossed and comfortably seated to the right of Izukus desk.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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