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I began to fix the radio system that was supposed to connect to the microphone, waiting. Francis sat beside me with his chin on the palm of his hand. He was waiting just as I was for anything to pick up. I pushed my hair back, a little frustrated, but I nearly jumped out of my seat once a sound was heard.

"Huh? It actually worked?"


"Hey! Don't shush me!"


I looked at him seriously and held a finger to my lips to shush him. He didn't say anything afterward, but his face grew a bit red. I began messing with the radio again and finally heard them talking.

"Do you want to meet again next week?"

"Yes, I'd like that. I can't get any good entertainment during this arrangement!"

"Ah yes, I have seen many of Mr. America's films; I understand it is hard not being able to watch Hollywood films."

Francis started laughing, but I covered his mouth to shut up. "Stop; I'm trying to listen!" I demanded. Although it was a bit odd, I doubt anyone would know if The Soviet Union partook in Alfreda's pop culture.

They continued to talk, but it wasn't about anything important. It only sounded like two friends catching up at the pub. Honestly, all of that is for nothing.

"SERIOUSLY?!....all of that dressing up? For nothing?" Francis whined. He groaned and stretched his body out over the table. "Well, this isn't our first time being stumped like this. It's happened to us long before technology. There has to be a way for us to find out if he is planning anything!" I spoke.

I began to think, and Francis turned his head to look at me. His body was still nearly on the table, and his rested head only shifted as his arms hung low. "Maybe, we can try again? They said they are meeting next week. Or maybe we can try talking to Lithuania? I would hate to go back to Alfred with nothing..."

I was still thinking about it, but nothing could get through my brain. "Any ideas?" I asked. I looked at Francis, who only stared at me with this stupid expression. I moved my chair back, away from the table, placing my hands on my lap. "Hmmm, nothing comes to mind. However, I would really like to do something else..."

"We have a job to do!"

"Yeah? And we did it and failed; now let's do something else! We can talk about it over dinner!" He whined. Jesus, he sure did sound like a child when he complained like this. It was hard to believe how he used to be. So modest and charming. Now, he is the complete opposite.

Despite that, I somehow find myself head over heels.

He looked at me as if he were begging. Great.

"Fine, but we must discuss what we should do next!"

"Yes, Yes, Yes! Anything you'd like! Let's go!" He urged. He nudged me a bit, causing me to spin around on my rolling chair. "Stop! You are too old to be acting like this!" I spoke. He started laughing at me as I continued to spin, then grabbed the back of the chair to stop me.

"What? You don't like when I do this?" He teased. I held onto the edge of the chair as he began to spin me around multiple times very quickly. "STOP! I WILL GET DIZZY!" I yelled.

"HONHONHONHON!" He laughed. He exaggerated his laugh to sound more stereotypical, and I tried not to laugh at how ridiculous it was. "STOP!" I shouted. He continued to spin me around, letting me go.

The chair continued to spin out of control, but this time it began to move. "FRANCIS! STOP ME!" I demanded. However, I could see from a quick glimpse that he had begun laughing so hard he held his stomach.


I continued to spin until Francis finally agreed to stop me. "Okay, fine! You are such a crybaby!" He teased. Francis grabbed the edge of the chair, stopping it. He held both of his hands on the armrests, looking at me. "Thank you for being a dick. Can you back off now?" I asked, annoyed. I swear, it was like he started most of our arguments. If he did what I said, half our problems would be solved.


My half of the problems.


"What? I am only teasing; why must you be so serious?" He joked. He had come closer to me, trapping me in the chair as his arms blocked my way out. Even being able to shove him away, I still wouldn't. "I could easily shove you across the room," I spoke.

"Oh? Then do it! I won't move so easily," he laughed. Francis came closer, and I backed away. It was times like this when I knew how he felt. He was only flirting with me. Idiotically, even after what we non-verbally agreed on.

Francis put his forehead on mine, and I glared. "I want to hit you so badly," I spoke. It made him laugh as he looked down at me. "You are such a ball of energy!"


"You must be a joy at parties!"

"Kill yourself!"

"Whoa! No need to be so loving! I completely understand!"

I felt my face getting hot, and I knew I had no other choice. I grabbed a hand full of his hair, pulling it. "OW!" He cried. I pushed him away, standing up. He was such an idiot. He was full of himself and everything annoying in this world. He was lucky I liked him very much. Or else I would have taken him over by now.

"Oh, I'm only messing around; come on! Let's go to my hotel room and rest, didn't you say you had a surprise for me? Well, I demand that you give it to me now!" He laughed. He changed the subject quickly once seeing how I reacted to what he said. Did he want me to fall to my knees for him? That is ridiculous!

"No! You wanted dinner first! Right? Or were you going to starve?" I asked. He stood up straight, fixing himself. "Ah, it doesn't take much to convince you. The good news is we won't be in this country much longer. I know how your people react to being in different countries, so I promise we won't be here long."

"Ugh? Seriously? You have to bring up the Arson stuff again?"

"I didn't! But you certainly have it on your mind!"


"My dearest Arthur, I will never let you live anything down. When you think everyone has forgotten, I will be here to remind you of what a strange person you are and what strange people come from your country."

I rolled my eyes at what he said and gathered my things. If he did not hurry up, I would leave him behind without a second thought. "Come on; we should leave now; we are leaving for America in the morning," I explained. He looked at me, shocked, but soon his shocked expression was replaced with excitement. "REALLY? WHERE TO?" He cheered. He followed my movements and began to help me carry some of our things. I was hoping the microphone would record anything else that might be useful. Maybe in the morning, I will find out.

"California, Malibu..."


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