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"Mr. England, it was nice of you to join me in visiting Canada!"

"Of course, anything to make you happy."

"Oh? Is that all? I was sure you'd want to see your young lad."

The princess began to laugh, and I felt defeated. I hadn't seen Matthew for some time and was delighted to see him. We had landed in Canada this morning and were making our way to meet Matthew and his prime minister. "I am...I am excited to see him," I smiled.

"That is all and well, but it does make me sad when you say you've come for me. I'd like it very much for you to be here because you truly want to," she smiled. She looked at me, tilting her head, staring at me with her doe eyes. She truly was a saint of a woman. Princess Diana, as well as my dearest Elizabeth, always made an effort to make me feel seen in recent years especially. It made me feel better about my existence.

"Well, I truly wanted to come for my own sake...not in a selfish way."

"Selfish? You? I hardly believe that to be true. You put everyone else before yourself; I don't think that is selfish. Now that things are changing, you won't have to stress about being involved with politics so much."

"Diana, then I would have no purpose in life."

"You would; it would be your own. I'm sure you will figure those things out. I would hate for you to be involved constantly."

"I don't mind..."

She smiled at me, patting my hand. We arrived at the place, and both began stepping out of the vehicle. "Ah, Mr. England, I doubt that is the case. Have you been making friends? I hear that you talk on and off with our friend across the Dover," she laughed. I felt my face redden at what she said, shaking my head. "Ah! Princess, you treat me as if I were a child. I am much older, you know. Also, Mr. France and I hardly speak; we hardly get along anyway," I explained.

We began to walk beside each other, and I adjusted one of my piercing nubs. Whenever I dealt with anything diplomatic, I used clear piercings to be more professional. It was the least I could do for the royal family, especially for acting crazy for the past two decades. "Ah, well, maybe it is time to be sweeter to one another. I know all too well what it is like to feel excluded, and well...you and I have the same thing in common," she spoke. She held her hands together in front of her as we continued to walk beside each other.

"Mr. England!" a familiar voice called.

The princess and I turned around, and I was shocked to see that Alfred was there. "OH! YOUR HIGHNESS!" Alfred cheered. He did a curtsy toward her, and all I could do was shake my head. This kid was going to embarrass me. "Mr. America, what a lovely surprise to see you here!"

"Not as lovely as you, ma'am."

"Oh, you are too kind!"

"Yeah, why are you here?" I asked. I cut Alfred off from flirting with my princess. He grabbed her hand, kissing it. I swear, he gets his dramatics from Francis. "Oh, Canada said you would be coming, but he did not say for what. As usual, he is very vague," Alfred laughed.

"Well, would you like to walk with us?"

"GLADLY! You know, you are very popular at my place!"

It was true. Americans loved Diana, and many kept up with the British Royal Family. Alfred gestured for Diana to take his arm, and she did not protest against it. In fact, she made sure to pull me into her other arm, as well.

Once we arrived at the main area, the princess was introduced to the Canadian Prime Minister. Alfred and I stood to the side, as usual, only watching. The princess would be given a tour of the capital as a friendly gesture from the commonwealth. It was mainly Matthew's idea after hearing how Diana wanted to visit. Naturally, I arranged everything, especially knowing how much Matthew wanted to meet her. It does not surprise me that he told Alfred. And it does not surprise me that he rushed over here once hearing she would be here.

"America!" A delicate voice cheered. Alfred turned around quickly, a smile spreading across his face and seeing his brother. "Canada! I am so excited!" Alfred cheered. He began to jump up and down and rushed to his arms. The only thing I did right with them that I could take credit for was ensuring they knew they would always have each other and treat each other as any brother would. Even though I have seen them bicker like Francis and me, they only get that from seeing us do it through the years.

"England, You look like you have been well. How is Mr. France? Are you both getting along?" Matthew asked. They both began to smirk at me, and I rolled my eyes. "We get along as much as any allied nation would. Honestly, the two of you talk like we have romantic feelings for each other. We don't! That is in the past!" I tried to lie.

The boys were the only other ones who knew. It made me at least glad I could confide in someone. However, they are no help! They always try and get us alone, and sometimes it, does the opposite of helping. It makes things worse or awkward. "Oh, we haven't tried anything recently...as if any of it has worked. You are hopeless..." Alfred teased. I wanted to smack him upside the head, but I held much of my restraint.

"That is stuff we cannot cross; you know this. France has even said the same. It is time to move on," I spoke.

I don't think it was possible for me ever to move on.

The boys looked at me as if I was bullshitting, but I ignored it. The thought was rubbish, and I would not fantasize about something that would never happen. I tell the truth when I say I am content with the memories or small romantic gestures we give each other occasionally. For instance, those few months back when Francis pecked me on the lips. I will live with that memory forever and would not ask for more. That was all I needed. We never said anything about it, but that was typical for us. We ignored some of the things we did and moved on.

"Well, it isn't the eighteen hundreds any more. Many nations are open about having feelings like that. I am sure no one would care if they found out....well...besides Portugal," Alfred laughed. I rolled my eyes at him. I hardly spoke to Portugal now. Especially what happened a few years ago. I hardly speak to anyone, if I would be frank.

"I don't care!"

"Huh? where are you going?"

"I am touring the capital like I came to do!"

I began to walk away, but the boys quickly followed behind. The topic of the relationship between me and Francis was a can of worms I was not willing to get into. I would do anything else but get into or face the hard truth about it. The difficult truth. In reality, I believe that both of us did not know what to do. We could not be a normal couple. We would be seen as close friends, which may be enough. However, I have grown into a selfish person who wants more than that.

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