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I watched as Francis looked around my home. He had begun messing with some of my figurines on a shelf. "You like elves?" He asked. I rolled my eyes at what he said, walking toward him. "Yes, they remind me of Alfred; now, what do you want?" I asked. I pressed my hand down on the one he was messing with and looked at him seriously.

"Oh, I'm working up to asking you; how about we relax a bit," he laughed. Francis looked at me, smiling, and I found myself weak again. "Fine, but hurry it up," I demanded.

"So impatient; you know I haven't been to your home in a while. It's changed so much; I like it," he smiled. He shifted his feet, looking at my walls with pictures hanging up. I was like anyone else when it came to photos. I loved to hang my favourites up, but that didn't stop me from having these substantial photo albums of photographs from the past and present.

I tilted my head at him as he looked at my photos. I stood beside him, silently turning to look, too. "If only I could see you as a kid one more time," he laughed. I lifted a brow, shaking my head. "One more time? That's ridiculous. I was a rotten kid," I laughed. I wouldn't want to go back to the way I was. However, I understood where he was coming from. I would have wanted to see him young again too. It hurts so much remembering something good so long ago. Now...look at us! I was lucky he made me feel good in the silence between our conversations.

"You still are...rotten," he smiled.

I breathed out, defeated, turning back to the photos. It mainly was portraits with me with the royal family—other images with my brothers and their dukes and duchesses. There was one modern one with the boys and one of Francis and me from the early nineteen hundreds.

"You have other friends; why do you keep ours up?" He asked. He turned to me, and I smiled. "I change them out very often. However, I've considered taking out some old paintings of the boys and me from the seventeen hundreds. Or maybe some of me from the fifteen hundreds," I laughed. I had thought about it, but every time I looked at paintings from that far back, it made me remember a lot that I wish I could forget forever.

"Ah, that would be nice," he spoke. We both stared at each other, and I felt a bit awkward. "So, what was the reason you came here?" I asked. He smiled at me a bit and shrugged. Francis looked past me, down the hallway, where my bedroom was, and he walked that way. "HEY! Don't go in there!"

"Hmmm? Why not?! I'm inquisitive! We can talk about everything in a bit! A little peek!" He laughed. He rushed away, and I followed behind him. "Did you come here to piss me off? It isn't very polite of you to intrude!"

"No! I had a reason! I'm getting to it!"

As I followed him...I had realized something vital.

It was how I had some personal things I would not want him to see by accident.


He barged into my room, and I held onto him from looking around. "STOP! This is personal!" I demanded. He had started laughing at me, and it didn't annoy me any less. "Oh, come on! What are you hiding in here? Porn? Kinky magazines? BDSM? Huh? I want to know all of it!"

"SHUT UP! Why does your mind automatically go there?" I yelled. He was still laughing and trying to escape my hold, but I held tight. I would fight him right now if I had to. "YOU ARE! What kind of porn? Oh, I know what kind!" He laughed. Francis pushed me off him, and I looked at him, shocked, as I landed on the floor.

"Gay porn! I know it! Your country has been really into that sexual awakening, and it's because of you! Am I right? Aren't I?"


"Pfft! Is that the best you could come up with?"

Francis began laughing at me, pointing. "Shut up! Why are you even here?" I asked. Francis stopped laughing, smiling at me. I do admit that I respect that he isn't afraid to make fun of me. He isn't scared of me like most people. When he was nice to me, it was genuine and wasn't forced. I could sense he wanted to be nice. He was brutally honest and sarcastic in the best ways possible, and I really appreciated it.

He put his hands on his hips, looking around my room. "I like your room. It's exactly how I pictured it. You must really love music...I'll keep a mental note of that."

"For god's sake! Tell me why you're here!"

"Of course, I suppose I have a thing for teasing you," he smiled. Francis reached his hand toward me, offering a hand to help me up from the ground I had landed on. I didn't feel the need to reject it, so I took his hand, waiting for him to lift me slightly, which he did.

Once I stood up straight, he still held onto my hand, and I couldn't help but look down at it. He made it obvious. I wonder if I made it obvious. "You can let go of my hand," I laughed. His eyes widened, and he began to laugh nervously. "MY BAD!....but I will tell you why I've come. I have a huge idea, and I wanted to ask you before I talk to anyone else!" He cheered. He seemed really excited, and I could only guess what his excitement would be about.

I nodded at him to continue, and he smiled. Francis rubbed his hands together, looking around. "Ah, one more thing," he added. He placed his hands on my shoulders, pushing me to sit down on my bed. It was a bit odd, and I was sure he could see it in my facial expression. "Okay? What is it? You are making me nervous," I laughed. God, I hope this wasn't his weird way of telling me we have problems again.

"Well, I have been thinking...we are close, yet so far away from each other."

"You are the closest nation to me, besides my brothers; how much closer would you like? Or maybe you like me too much?" I laughed. Francis laughed in response, shaking his head. "It wouldn't be the half of it....but really! I have an idea that might bring our people together and make seeing each other easier!"

"As if I wanted it to be easier," I teased. His face grew pink, and he breathed out, defeated. He looked so sweet; I could kiss him. It must be hard for him...hard to be adored by someone all the time. I'm sure it's exhausting for him.

"Well, I do...and...well, I brought the plans with me!" He cheered. He began digging through his pockets, and I chuckled, seeing him struggle. He was rummaging through his pockets, trying to keep a smile up as I stared at him. "Goodness! Just tell me!"

"I HAVE IT! SEE—well....uh....some of it..."

He pulled out a piece of paper, but it was ruined from the water he was drenched in. He was unbelievable. "Well...this was the plan....but well...here..." he handed me the paper, and I looked at it confused. "I won't be able to look at it; just tell me!"

"OKAY! Fine!...well..." Francis took the paper from me and slowly tried to open it so it wouldn't rip. "I'm calling it the Eurostar..."


"Yes! It's a...train system..." he added. He opened the paper, and I could faintly see that it was blueprints for the structure. "A train? But—"

"YES! I know! The water...my idea is we build under the water...we will connect Paris to London...and within time, it could take people back and forth within two hours!"

My eyes widened at what he said, and I grabbed the blueprints again. The idea was terrific. It would surely bring our people together and show the world how much we can work together now. "Seriously? This could take years to make!" I pointed out.

"Ah, we have the time; I believe it will be worth it, so what do you say?" He asked. I was still shocked about everything, but it was a great idea. Even if he did tease me for making it only to see me. Which would be a ridiculous reason, but it was a good idea.

"Well, I can't refuse; it's a good idea. However, that doesn't mean that you can just show up whenever you want!"

"Arthur, I already do that! You cannot control me!"

"Ugh, sadly...."

We both stared at each other for a moment before laughing. "Alright! Great!" He cheered. He took the blueprint back, rolling them up. He tapped the rolled-up paper against his other hand, smiling. "Well, we will be in touch again...I look forward to seeing you again, as usual!"

"Oh please, you are full of yourself! I doubt you'd be that excited!"

"Trust me...I will be...but for now, be well, and don't do anything stupid while I am away working out the details!"

"Me? You are telling the wrong person! Why, you are practically taking all the stupid with you!" I laughed. He smiled at me, tilting his head. Oh, he was tired of my sass, but I wouldn't stop any time soon. I will sass him till the day I no longer exist.

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