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It was like fighting myself. I was my own villain in my own story. My mentality was doing everything in its power to ensure I didn't get the calm and happy ending I badly desired. There wasn't much I could control.

Not really, at least.

"Try to keep the conversation short and straight to the point. Gather as much information as possible from him, and we must leave immediately!"

"Yes, bossy pants. Although, I wonder what goes through your mind when you constantly send me out to the wolves like this."

"You are terrible at doing technology and other things; I put you where your strong suit is!"

"Talking and seducing?"

"You got it!"

I laughed at the thought and continued to look through his camera. It felt as if I were James Bond! It was fun. This job was a bit easier. All he had to do was contact Mr. Germany and talk to him. Alfred got a tip that he would meet with Prussia in this warehouse. However, Our job was to convince them to have a revolution. And, of course, see what they were meeting about. Francis and Germany got along better, so...I figured I could set aside my pettiness and have them talk to each other.

I was in a van down the street, but I was ready to jump to his rescue if need be. "They won't expect you, so try not to scare him or seem suspicious. We need him to talk, and he is a tough cookie to crack, do anything possible."

"Anything? Are you sure about that?"


I continued to watch his camera, focusing on the steps he took. He slowly approached this room with two double doors, the same kind I described when he left. They were big and cream-coloured, with words that said "keep out" in German. He opened the doors as quietly as possible, revealing a light pouring down on one lonely part of the room. There was an empty chair at the centre where the light shone.

"I don't think there is anyone here," Francis whispered. I continued to observe through the camera. "Maybe they are a bit late—"

"Mr. France? What are you doing here?" Germany spoke. I could recognize his voice without looking at him. However, once Francis turned to expose him, I could tell that Germany had already been through so much. I could see it in his eyes. "Try and talk to him," I spoke.

"Hey, sorry...I didn't mean to startle you, but I'm not here to get you in trouble; I wanted to talk."

"About? If the Soviet Union found out you were trying to talk to me, it would be bad news for my brother. Listen, I know we have had our differences in the past, but this will affect my brother and me. It sounds hypocritical, and maybe this is the universe giving me its judgment, but I don't want any more trouble."

Francis stayed silent for a moment, and I inspected the movements of Germany. He seemed on edge. I could tell he had so much regret for everything he had done in the past. It was his decisions that led him to split from his brother.

"I get that...I understand what it's like to feel that way. However, I'm not here to get you in trouble; I want to help..." Francis spoke with a calm voice; he noticed how Germany was. Germany was younger than us in a sense, he was still learning how to be a country, and in a world that has already evolved so much, it was hard. I understood how stressful that could be.

"Help? How?" Germany asked. I began to adjust the volume a bit, looking at my computer. Prussia should be there any minute. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if Francis were to talk to them together. "England and I...we believe that if you and your brother team up together, you can gather the people's voice and end the separation. There have already been revolutions against the Soviet Union, and I think the two of you would be the tipping point!"

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