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"I am going to steal him for a bit; I hope the two of you don't mind..."

"NOPE! We were just....leaving...yeah..."

I shook my head at the boys, seeing how Francis laughed. I am sure he knew what they constantly were trying to do all the time. "Great, Well...Mr. England? Care to join me for a...stroll?" he laughed. He had purposely said the word 'stroll' with an exaggerated British accent. Honestly, I was unsure how he could do that when he already has such a thick French accent. Hmm, I wonder if I have a strong accent when speaking French to him. Well...I suppose it couldn't be worse than hearing Matthews French or Alfreds Louisiana French.

I nodded at Francis, following him away from the boys. Then...out of pure luck, I felt my hands sweating.

I was nervous.

"So, why did you want to talk to me? Is it about me being free tomorrow? Well, Alfred lied; I have plenty of things to do tomorrow," I laughed. He smiled at what I said, nodding. "Of course you do, such an important person, with important things..."

"Yeah..." I spoke. I puckered my lips, looking at him suspiciously. What on earth could he want to talk to me about? We continued to walk beside each other till he suddenly stopped. "You seem different lately, is everything okay?" He spoke.

I stopped for a moment, not saying anything. Was it obvious? I hadn't been feeling right lately, but I couldn't exactly put my finger on it. I didn't understand myself or the people around me. I didn't understand how I could walk away from all the bad things and still have room to love Francis. If you ask me, that was a bit selfish. How could I feel this feeling when I had snatched it away from everyone I had killed in the past? I wasn't sure if Francis thought of these things, but I did.

"Yeah, I'm fine...I don't know what you're insinuating," I laughed. He tilted his head at me as if he didn't believe me. This was fine; everything was just fine.

"Say, Matthew invited me to his place, but since the next world meeting would be there, I suggested I wait to visit his place. How about we go out together? Matthew tells me he has something exciting planned. Apparently, Alfred is helping, but with those two...well, anything can happen," he smiled.

"That's fine with me..." I spoke. He nodded at me with a smile, and we grew silent. There was part of me that wanted to avoid the tension between us, but at the same time, I wouldn't be against him confessing to me. If he were to, I would have no choice but to say something back. "And well...I want to be around you...alone...no one else..."

"We already spend time alone together...too much time. Don't you have other friends?"

"I do, plenty!"

"Well? Why bother trying to hang out with me? I am not the most exciting person!"

"I know...but you are exciting to me..."

I gave him a side-eye; he was such an idiot. I looked away, smiling, and he noticed. What is with that smile? I am telling you the truth! I liked spending time with him now; it didn't bother me. I was mostly worried people would get the wrong idea. "So, your other friends...what is the real reason?"

"So curious about my other friends? Are you jealous?"


I smiled at him softly as his face grew still. I had a feeling I knew why lately he especially hasn't been around Germany or Prussia. Although it was nice at first since I still was weary of Mr. Germany, but its been years now, and I think it was time for me to stop thinking he would be the same. World War Two was a long time ago now...it was time for me to drop the...wall...

"Well, with everything going on with Mr. Prussia, it has been hard to see him. And Mr. Germany would rather stay in Berlin if anything were to happen. Lately, tensions have dropped, but I sense a revolution is coming...I, of all people, know how it feels when revolutions begin to start. Sometimes they happen out of nowhere. I only want Mr. Germany to be there for Mr. Prussia now that Prussia has not been around anyone lately."

I was right...it was because of the USSR aspects. With the Berlin Wall still up, tensions grew.

I turned to face him, and he followed my movements. Even if there were a chance that he wanted to be around me to distract himself from what was happening, I did not mind. I was now his friend and for a reason. I swore to be there for him whenever he needed it. "I understand...You know I really don't mind you being around...I only love giving you a hard time," I laughed.

He tilted his head at me, smiling, and I felt my heart rate speed. Looking at him like this made me feel helplessly in love with him. I think it has been harder to keep these feelings bottled up. I don't know what to do with myself anymore. Now, I have to deal with my feelings for him and other things that I want to be irrelevant, but they aren't. Even now, it feels wrong to enjoy myself when other nations around the world struggle. I was never like this until now. I know that deep down, I never cared about anyone but myself.

Well...I cared for Francis...but it wasn't normal. None of this was normal, and I wanted to slam my head against the wall thinking about it. "Don't say that to me, please...You will only get my hopes up," he smiled. I knew exactly what he meant, but I refused to acknowledge it. "Figured..." I laughed.

We continued to stare at each other awkwardly when...

"Mr. England! Will you be a dear and introduce us!"


I straightened up quickly, hearing the sweet voice. I grew tense seeing Princess Diana come beside me, looking at Francis. They had only seen each other briefly in the past but never really talked to each other. "Well, This is Mr. France; I have known him for a long time..." I spoke. My voice cracked a bit, making Francis laugh a bit. She reached her hand to him, and he grabbed it quickly. "It is a pleasure to talk to you; I absolutely adore your charity work. I hope Arthur and his crown aren't stressing you out too much," he laughed. I glared at him slightly, but he purposely ignored me.

"Ah...well, isn't that part of the roll?" She smiled. That idiot is always the first thing on his mind, ridiculous. "Just ignore him...He has a tendency to be condescending," I laughed. Francis looked hurt at what I said, making Diana laugh. "I do enjoy hearing the two of you talk; maybe we can all sit down with your favourite two nations across the ocean for some tea?" She suggested. I breathed out, defeated, as she flashed her signature smile. I really can't say no to anyone now, huh?

"Well, it was nice to be properly introduced, do be well, and treat Mr. England well," she giggled. Francis nodded in response as she began to walk away from us. She was only making her rounds of talking to the people there.

As she left, I stopped smiling to glare at Francis. "Will you shut up? She is stressed as it is without someone like you pointing it out," I glared. However, he did not look like he cared. "What? I was only joking; I didn't think you still cared so much about your crown, " he said. I was about to say something against it but didn't.  I understood where he was coming from.

"Diana and Elizabeth are different...they care about me..."

"Ah...okay...if you say so," he spoke. He sounded condescending without having to try. "Unbelievable," I spoke. I began to walk away from him, and he jumped. "Huh? Where are you going?" he tried to ask, following me.

"Away from you!"

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