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I began blinking my eyes, trying to focus, but it was like I couldn't. My face was hot, and I wanted to laugh for some reason. "That concludes our meeting! I hope to see everyone tonight!" Matthew announced. I covered my mouth, trying not to laugh, and I turned to Francis.

"What is wrong with you? He could have been...he could have been....he could have been...."

"Pfft, you can't even talk right now!"

"What? You are the...the one..."

I began laughing and nudged him away from me. I started seeing many nations around me stumbling over themselves. "Francis, I feel terrific right now. Do you feel good?" I asked. I began smiling, trying to put my figure on this feeling. I had felt this way before.

"Huh! Arthur! Don't look now, but there is a giant cake behind you!"

"Eh? Cake? Do I look like Marie Antoinette?!"

"Hey! Rude much?"

We both stopped talking and soon began laughing. That's when the feeling increased, and I began to nod my head in acceptance. "Francis...I think we are high," I laughed. He looked shocked for a moment, looking around. Looking at the nations trying to figure something out that we had already had that we had figured and had and had known and figured and had that we had figured out right now!

I got it!

"How? I don't smoke!"

"You smoke fags, mate!"

"Cigarettes? They don't count!"

I began laughing again, making Francis laugh. He held onto me, and I grabbed onto his shoulders. "Stop! People are going to get the wrong idea!" I laughed. Francis began holding me, laughing, and it was contagious. If only I knew this would happen!

Then I could have...

I could have put on some nicer cologne.

"Francis, stop! They will think you like me!" I laughed. I looked back to the boys, who were smirking at everyone. Those twats.




"Who wants to gamble? I will beat every one of you!"

"I have a new genre of music! It will be called K-pop!"

"That is lame! People enjoy my anime much better! Dragon Ball is popular right now! I have all the collections!"

"Wow, is it hot in here?"

Everyone had begun sputtering nonsense, and it caused me to laugh as Francis still held onto me. "You know what would be amazing?" I asked. Francis quickly separated from me, looking at me with a smile. "Tell me everything! I could listen to your stupid condescending British accent all day!"

"Cheers, okay, so get this! We both, you and me! We! Us—"

"Say it!"

"The two of us Twats go to your place!"

"My place?"

"Yes! Your place! And we build a tree house!"

"What?! A treehouse!"

Francis began shaking me in joy, and I shook him back. "Like when we were kids! I will make you a flower crown! Already on it!"

"Perfect! I will bring the food!"

"Mmmm, food sounds splendid right now!"

We both began laughing again, and it hit me. "Wait! We are high! But how?" I asked. I looked back to the boys, pushing Francis away from me. "BOYS!"

They jumped, and I began to try and...try to; I was trying to walk down the steps! "When I get down these steps! I will have an unpleasant conversation with the two of you fudge packers!" I held onto the railing and tried to move my feet forward, but only my torso was moving. That meant I was starting to slide down the railway!

"MOVE IT! I AM COMING THROUGH!" I yelled. I shoved Spain, Greece, and Turkey out of the way. They looked as if they wanted to react, but they all looked to be in their own world.

"Why? I know you did this!"

"What? We didn't do it purposely! All of you happened to eat the treats!"

"ENGLAND! I WANT A REMATCH!" Francis suddenly yelled. My eyes widened, and I slowly turned around to Francis, struggling to come down the steps. "With what? Being the world's biggest Twat?"

The boys began to giggle, and I swished my hair to get it out of my face. It had been a while since I was high, so I was taken aback. "You rubbish twits! You did it on purpose! I know everything! I am a wizard!" I glared. I pointed fingers at my eyes, then at them as if telling them I was watching them. "You are acting so weird; stop!" Alfred laughed.

"Alfred said it is good to put warning labels for legal reasons, so I did...did no one read the label? I worked really hard on them!"

"And you did a great job! It isn't their fault that in their one hundred-plus year life, they didn't learn to read!"


Alfred began laughing, and I laughed, slapping my hand against my forehead. "Stop! I am trying to be mad at you!" I laughed. Francis jumped Mathew, hugging him, and I began to pull him away. "I want Matthew back! Fight me! I DECLARE WAR ON YOU!"


Francis and I began to look at each other, and I held up fists. I will strike him down as usual; I don't care if I am in love with him. These hands were rated E for everyone! "I challenge thee to le duel!" Francis declared. He shoved me a bit, grabbing Matthew's pointer stick. "Fine! Do you want a fight? ON GUARD!" I yelled.

I looked around momentarily until I saw a yardstick near the whiteboard. I quickly wobbled toward it, holding it high. "This isn't how I was expecting this to go...I was hoping for more love confessing—"


"What does that even mean?!"

"It means WHORE!"

I used the yardstick to slap his ass, and he looked at me, shocked. "Whoa, not in front of the kids!" He laughed. He was such an idiot! I couldn't even try and fight him; he always made me laugh.

"We aren't kids anymore..."

"To me, you are!"

I laughed again.

Francis looked at me confused as I began to smile, and he slowly touched his forehead.


The boys could only stare at us, confused as we laughed.

"Honestly...why do we...why do we dobidobido we fight?" I laughed. I began to come closer to him, and he nodded in agreement. His eyes were red, and judging by everyone else in the room, I could assume that mine also were. "I was thinking the same thing! Let's not fight! How about we go out!" He cheered. He began to hold onto me again, and I accepted it.

"Huh?! Matthew! Your after-party!" I declared. Francis and I looked at the boys, sad, but they still wanted to laugh at us. "Don't worry, you both will have fun tonight; everyone will!" Alfred spoke.



"See, Everyone is totally down to have some Canadian fun!" Alfred laughed. Francis and I continued to hold each other, and I felt him touching my hair. "Hey, remember when I beat you at Waterloo?" I teased. The boys looked at me, horrified, but I couldn't stop smiling. "ENGLAND!" Francis shouted. It got the attention of a few people.

He placed his hands on the sides of my head tightly. He forced me to look at him, and my eyes widened. "What?" I asked softly. He came closer toward me, and I had this feeling he was going to kiss me...but...he didn't.



He pulled me into a headlock, and I wasn't sure where he found the energy. I only wanted to sit down and chill.

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