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"Hello! Everyone...quiet down..."

Francis and I were seated beside each other again. Of course, we were; Alfred and Matthew knew what they were doing. Those kids would be the death of me if I could die.


Everyone was talking as usual, and I felt more annoyed the longer they took to shut up. Alfred was standing beside Matthew as Mathew tried to get everyone's attention.

"Hey...can everyone just—"

The talking continued.

"Honestly, can none of them stop talking? Last year Belgium didn't have any problems. They always talk over nations from the Americas," Francis whispered. He was right. The only person most of them didn't talk over was Alfred, and that was for obvious reasons. However, when Ms. Mexico, and Ms. Panama hosted, it took some time to get everyone to stop talking. It was because Alfred told everyone to—

"SHUT UP!!!!"


Alfred bowed to Matthew, backing away.

"Sorry about that, eh? Well...I know it has been a while, but I don't want y'all to think I've been inactive, eh?" Matthew spoke nervously. Whenever he did, he would speak quieter and with a heavier Canadian accent. It was more a reason why he liked Alfred there to help out. This year they gave out goodie bags for everyone and placed them at the ends of our desks. It made me happy because usually, we don't get gifts from host nations. I had thought of doing something similar, but everyone was picky.

"Well, I want to start...by announcing that Mr. America and I will be closer than ever after our new free trade agreement. However, we hope to eventually include Ms. Mexico in our plan for NAFTA!" He smiled. I smiled at the announcement, clapping with the few who clapped with happiness. "I would like to add to my announcements that we hope everyone will stand in solidarity as the protests against the USSR continue in Poland and other nations who could not make it today. We hope this Cold War will be over soon and no one begins to fight," he added. Many bordering nations' peoples were beginning to revolt, which was very prevalent.

Everyone agreed. However, Alfred looked away nervously. "I would also like to add that there will be an after-party, so America and I know all of you will be interested in coming for some fun. The address is in the bags in front of you! We look forward to it! It's the least I could do for everyone who could make it out here," Matthew added. I smiled at him and saw how he looked in our direction.

"Ah, he is such a sweet boy; that must be my influence; you are much too maniacal. I mean, look at Alfred," Francis whispered. I rolled my eyes at him, looking at Alfred, who was trying to swat a fly away. However, he was failing and looking idiotic as he failed. "Oh yes, so maniacal, I am trembling in fear," I mocked. Alfred isn't that bad. He only tends to be intense and very outspoken. I honestly admire that in him. He knows when to speak up, especially when no one else will. He only tends to get carried away. Deep down, I knew he had always meant well. I believe it was mostly my fault he ended up this way. Because of the control from my Crown, he grew up feeling that he needed to speak up and spread justice where he felt there wasn't. Even when we all know he should stay out of it. He only feels that he needs to stick up for the little guy because he was in the same position at one point, and I completely understand where he came from. And it was my fault.

I reached for the goodie bag, opening it to see what was in it. There were tiny Canadian flags, candy that was maple flavoured, a brownie, and a recipe for...

"Poutine?" I said, confused. Francis quickly opened his bag, too, seeing the same items. "Hmmm, I wasn't much of a fan of poutine, but I love brownies!" He cheered. I nodded in agreement, taking the brownie out. "Well, the boys are good at baking, so you did something right. However, Alfred did take over your food palette. The type of food items he loves to combine is amazing," Francis laughed.

"You helped too!"

"Yeah...see, I was there for them shortly before you decided you wanted more and declared war for Canada...this is all on you...Don't blame me," he laughed. I groaned, annoyed, seeing him eat a piece of the brownie. I noticed how many of the other nations looked in their bags. Well, it certainly grabbed all of our attention, as if we were children. Honestly, this was going to be a long meeting.

I began to eat my brownie, too and grabbed some water to drink it down. "Say, what do you think the after-party is?"  Francis asked. I turned back to the front, seeing Matthew continue with the meeting. "I'm not sure, hopefully drinking! Because I would love a couple of rounds! HAHAHA!" I held my hand up for him to slap it in agreement, but he didn't.

"You have a problem!"

"And you don't? Sorry I don't drink wine with every meal as you do!"

"I have a high tolerance!"

"Pfft, no, high tolerance to something would be like me having tolerance toward you. Just because you drink something slow doesn't mean your tolerance is high!"

"What? Do you want me to chug a bottle? I will chug multiple!"

"No, because then I'd have to drive you to your hotel room!"

"What? What are you talking about?" He asked. Francis looked at me, genuinely confused, and I lifted a brow. "Because you'd be drunk," I explained. However, he still looked confused. "It's not drunk driving if it's wine!"

My eyes widened at what he said, and I held a hand to my mouth, surprised. "Excuse me?" I asked, horrified. He began to shake his head at me, coving his ears. "Don't give me that look! Don't be upset with me because you are the black sheep of Europe...and everyone knows it!"

"Shut up!"

I nudged him a bit, and it caught the attention of a few people besides us. "Both of you shut up!" Mr. Netherlands bonked our heads, making us shut up. I held my head, annoyed, and Francis silently ate the rest of his brownie. "You are so immature," he whispered.

"You started it," I shot back.

I shook my head and continued to look ahead when I began to get this weird feeling inside me. Luckily the meeting was usually a quick two hours, so I knew I wouldn't be here long. We had all been here for forty minutes. I looked over at Francis, and he continued to blink multiple times as he watched Matthew. He was the odd one between us; I couldn't be that odd compared to him.

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