Part 1 | The Move In

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      The alarm beeps, screeching 100 beats per minute. "What time is it?"  You think to yourself. You look over to your phone and quickly check all of your notifications. Comments poured in on all of your socials. "You're so pretty, kind, etc." However you know that couldn't be farther from the truth. "As if."

      This day is both scary and exiting for you: your first day of college. You were attending Blackmore University in New York, your home town. That was the exiting part. New York is your home however you were never let free enough to really enjoy it. However college is what scared you. Classes, parties, social life, and studying all made your skin crawl. You tried to shake it off as the moving vans arrived.

      You would be moving in with students Tara and Quinn along with Tara's older sister Sam

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      You would be moving in with students Tara and Quinn along with Tara's older sister Sam. Having an older figure still be in your life felt safer so the nerves quickly went away. You knew Tara and possibly Quinn were freshman as well. You took a deep breath before opening the door. This redhead girl was spread across the couch laughing with some random guy. Presumably her boyfriend? A short latina girl was hanging up a tv with the help of a tall muscular lightskin guy. Also presumably her boyfriend? They were all laughing and chatting it up until the second you flung the door open. It then went silent. The tall lightskin walked up towards you with a hand out for shaking. "You're y/n right?" He asked with a grin. You shook his hand. "Yup, but who exactly are you?" He walks back to the Latina girl to continue to help with the tv. The redhead shouted at me, "That's Chad, Tara's friend." She continued to point at him and mouth "boyfriend." "So you're Quinn?" You asked. She nodded and continued with her possibly boyfriend. They all seemed busy with setting up the room so you decided to start fixing up yours.

      You would be sharing a room with Quinn, the readhead. Her side of the room looked very down to earth. Her flirty personality and red hair made it all make sense. You started unpacking your clothes to put in the closet. You hear footsteps turning towards your doorway and you see it's the latina girl. "Y/n, right?" "That would be correct." You turned back to the clothes. "And you're Tara right?" She agreed and walked over. "Hey, we're all going to go out tonight. Us, Sam, and Chad's sister and roommate. Wanna come?" A wave of relief washed over. You were afraid you couldn't keep your social life in college. You've already been proved wrong. "Sure, I'd just need to finish unpacking first." She nodded, "Of course, we're all leaving at around 8 so be ready!" She then got up and left the room.

      Chad's roommate? You wonder who that would be. You pop your head back in the doorway. "Hey Tara?" She turns back. "What's up?" You walk out of the room. "Where is Sam?" "She's out buying stuff with Mindy, Chad's sister." You nod and head back, until you realize something strange with Tara. Her walk. She was sort of clutching her abdomen as she walked.

      You were nosy, but not that nosy, so you took a break from unpacking to research her. The name Tara Carpenter was vaguely familiar. With one quick search you found your answer. "Ohhh,"  you thought. She was a victim of the Woodsburrow murders last year. No wonder she walked like that. You worried if possibly you could be next just for being her roommate, but you shook the anxiety not to spoil your first day.

"You're going to have a good time tonight. Don't spoil it." And with that, you continued unpacking.


I'm editing this to add a word count: 651

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