Part 18 | Cold

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      Yet again, in the hospital. This time it wasn't Ethan in the bed, it was Gale. You, Ethan, and the core four sat around the lobby, trying to regroup. The ghostface this time was brutal as hell. At least Gale didn't bite the dust. You slouched in your seat, biting your nails and bouncing your knee anxiously. The entire group was anxious, not speaking, just staring blankly. How could you in a situation like this? You didn't know how many more of these near death experiences you could take, the universe already decided to give you a second chance at life. You weren't gonna waste it at the hands of a pussy hiding behind a mask. 

      Before, the group eyed Ethan with annoyance and irritation, now they looked at him with compassion and as if he was actually part of their survivor quartet. 

Same with you.

      Danny, Sam's boyfriend, jogs in, making his presence known. "Hey, I got here as fast as I could," he pants, obviously out of breath. He stares at y'all all disheveled and uncoordinated, lips chapped and teeth chattering. "I'm scared you guys," Mindy starts, causing the group's attention to shift to her. "I really don't want to get hurt again," she says, shaking her head. "Neither do I," Chad sighs out. You raised your hand in agreement, causing Tara and Ethan to do so as well, fingers shaking. "I don't want y'all getting hurt again either," she says, looking around making sure she means everyone. The whole group huddles together, holding hands and resting on each other's heads and shoulders. "So what do we do now?" Chad asks.

      "Maybe he gets to win this time," Sam wrongfully suggests, making everyone turn their heads up to look at her. "He wants to punish me." She states. "Me. So maybe I let him. I'll just give myself up." Everyone stared at her, astonished. "If this is what I have to do to keep you safe, it's worth it." Tara gets up, "No, we're not doing that Sam. You went back to Woodsboro to protect me. Every single day you make the decision to protect me, none of us would be alive if it weren't for you. You have to let us protect you this time." The mood turns wretched and Sam shakes her head. "No." "Yes." Tara nods. "We're a team, remember?"

      "Actually," Mindy says, getting up as well. "We're family." Chad claps his hands and gets up. "Let's go, core four." Sam shakes her head, smiling at you. "What about.. chased seis," Sam jokes, chuckling a little. "Seis?" Ethan awkwardly repeats. "Like six? Like including Danny or-" "No Ethan," Sam chuckles. "Including you." Chad shakes his head. "This is tender and all but this is worse than core four." Tara holds out her hand for people to join in. "Chased seis," She says. "Chased seis," Mindy says, rolling her eyes. Sam adds her hand too. "Chased seis," you and Ethan say, also adding in hands. Chad shakes his head as everyone faces him. "Nope, I can't do it!" He says, raising his hands. "Come on," Tara says convincingly, making gestures urging him to join in. He deeply inhales, "Chased fucking seis."

      "He's gonna keep coming after us," Sam says, after everyone removed their hands. "Isn't there somewhere safe we could just hole up in?" Ethan suggests. "No he's gonna keep finding us." Tara says. "Great."

      Tara stares off, thinking to herself, conspiring. "We could use that though," she says, clicking her tongue. "We could trick him. Bait him into a tight box, then kill him." Sam nods, crossing her arms. "Sounds like a doable plan. Call Bailey," she says, handing her phone to Tara. Tara dials his number and puts him on speaker for everyone to hear.

      "Hey, detective, it's Tara. We have a plan for ghostface, and we want you to help us." She speaks into the phone. "I'm getting my ass chewed out for not dropping the case and now you want me to do what?" Bailey asked. "We want to lure him into a secure location and trap him inside," Tara answers. "And then what?" Bailey queries. "We execute him." Everyone grows silent and the only thing to be heard was each other's breathing. "So are you gonna help us?" Tara asks firmly. "Let's kill this son of a bitch."

      Bailey suggested to take public transportation, so you all fought your way through the stampede of halloween masks in the subway

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      Bailey suggested to take public transportation, so you all fought your way through the stampede of halloween masks in the subway. You held hands with Tara, not wanting to get lost. Ethan and Mindy followed further behind. The door opened and everyone fought to get into the train. Luckily, you, Sam, Tara, and Chad made it in. You turned around and saw the doors starting to close and Chad trying to keep it open. "Ethan!" You called out, but to no avail. The door closed before he could get in. You sighed as you saw his sorry face, the train slowly starting to move, causing you to quickly grab on a pole. You turned to see Chad who just shrugged. "Him and Mindy should be fine, we'll be at the place in no time." Suddenly the lights started to flicker and you eyed Tara worriedly. 

      "Hey, don't sweat it," Sam calms, resting a hand on your shoulder motherly. She looks around to see all of the ghostface masks and slightly panics internally, contradicting her words completely. "The next stop is 97th Street," the intercom speaks. Everyone else starts to also notice the ghostface dupes, growing suspicious of each one. Tara's eyes bounce rapidly from each ghoul to another. "How many more stops do we have?" She asks. "Ten," Sam sighs. You lightly bang your head on the pole in front of you, resting your forehead on the cool metal. You huff, taking out your phone to try and text Ethan.

      "Has the next train arrived yet?" You texted him, but it never fully sent. It was stuck with that couple other centimeters left on the line. The train comes to its first stop, and you wobble slightly. You look around only to find a ghostface charging towards you. You let out a quiet yelp before Danny shoves himself in front of him. But it was just a normal passenger getting off.


word count: 1k+


get my ass outta my flop era bru. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2023 ⏰

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