Part 11 | Girl Talk

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      "And then he kissed me," you gushed, stuffing your face into your pillow as Quinn and Tara slapped it to get you out of hiding. "Okay.. so then what happened?" Quinn asked excitedly, sitting up. "Oh, nothing really. He just asked me out and we're going out tomorrow," you opened your phone to check the time, it was 1 am. "Well then I guess today. Then I left.. oh! He pecked me though!" Tara shot her head back and snored. "Boring!" "Snoozefest," Quinn added. "Okay well then what were we supposed to do?" The two thought for a moment. "I don't know.. fuck?" Quinn said, which caused you and Tara's eyes to widen, slowly shifting towards Quinn's. The three of y'all stared at each other in silence for a few seconds before bursting out laughing. "Rule number one," Tara starts. "Don't take dating advice from Quinn," she says half sincerely.

      "Noted," you say, eyes fixing towards your bed. "I'm so not tired." Tara and Quinn groan out, agreeing. "Y'all wanna watch Stab?" You ask. "God no," Tara starts. "I'm more interested in elevated horror." You budge her knee. "I'm already having enough trouble going to sleep Tara!" She rolls her eyes. "Alright," she says getting up to get Quinn's laptop. "This could be useful. We could use some pointers for when Ethan comes out as ghostface." You scoff, "He will not!" Quinn just sits there and listens. "Dorky, awkward, a little pick me? He checks all of the boxes." She sits back on the bed and opens up Netflix to stream Stab. "Okay well first, never call him a pick me again. Gross." She nods, somewhat agreeing. "Second, that's way too cliché." Quinn nods at you. "I second that," she says, awkwardly raising a hand. "If ghostface ever comes here- which he won't! Ethan's the least of my worries." Tara leans back and raises an eyebrow at the redhead. "Alright, so who's the one you'd worry about the most?" Quinn shrugs. "I don't know? You? Sam?" Tara snapped her head towards Quinn so fast, you were surprised it didn't break.

      "I'm sorry?" Quinn surrenders and raises her hands. "I'm not saying y'all are. There are no killers! But if this ever happened, you know.. you and sam would be at the top of my list..?" She says list extremely wearily. "What the fuck Quinn?" She says, standing up, closing the laptop. "Tara- I-" "Whatever," Tara interrupts.  "I'm going to bed." She heads off the her room leaving just you and Quinn.

      You can't help but snicker. "Why was she so mad?" She asked. "It's a sensitive spot," you replied. "Yeah.. but she brang it up first." You nodded in agreement. You lay back on her bed, her side of the room was so cozy. She lays down next to you and the two of you face each other, faces almost touching.

      Soon, your faces did touch. First it was the nose, rubbing together softly. Each other's peach fuzz tickling the other. Then y'all kissed. Cue I Kissed A Girl by Katy Perry. You quickly sat up, eyes widened, "Friends kiss each other, right?" Quinn asks groggily. "Yeah," you start. You look down at her and smile. "As friends."


word count: 538

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