Part 2 | Dinner

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      It was currently 8 and Sam was driving you, Tara, and Quinn, to the pizzeria. You were exited to meet Chad's sister and roommate. You and Sam hit it off well, it was obvious she would keep you safe.

      Y'all arrive at the place and take a seat at a huge table to fit everyone. "Where is everybody?" You can't help but ask. Quinn replies, "they're always late I swear," while staring at her phone. "Who's that you're texting?" Asks Sam, curious about the same thing you are. "Some guy on hinge, I might actually dip to go out with him instead." You were shocked that she would just leave on such a crucial dinner.

      While Tara and Quinn started arguing, you started looking around. You see this curly head dorky guy walk in, but weirdly enough he doesn't ask for a table. "Maybe he's also hanging out with friends?"  You thought. However he's walking right towards your table! He makes his self comfy and takes a seat right next to you. "Hey guys," he turns towards you. "Hey new girl I don't yet know the name of." He awkwardly waves. "HUH?"  With common sense you were able to gather this is Chad's roommate, but why is he so awkward and weird? He smirks, "Is no one going to tell me who this girl is? Ow, dickhead!" He was hit in the back of the head by Chad who was followed by two other girls you didn't yet know. "That's y/n dumbass." They all sit down.

      Quinn finally sets her phone down. "I'm off bitches, I have a date." You couldn't understand this girl. One minute she was chill and the next she's acting like a total bitch. She walks off while everyone rolls their eyes. Did she really have to be your roommate?

      You quickly snap back to reality and refocus on the roommate. "Well who are you?" You ask. "I'm Ethan, Chad's roommate. I just moved in today." You replied, "No way, me too! You go to Blackmore?" You both continue with the small talk until you wonder what exactly you were doing. You still don't know these other two girls and yet you're stuck laughing with Ethan. "What's your major?" You ask. "Economics, you?" 

      Finally the small talk can go to rest when the pizza finished

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      Finally the small talk can go to rest when the pizza finished. It was also the perfect chance to find out these other girl's names. You point to the asian one, "Hey, wait what's your name sorry." She smiles, "It's Anika, I'm Mindy's girlfriend." Anika, Mindy, got it. "Could you pass me the ranch?"

      The dinner was nice, you got to know everyone and there were no awkward silences. But there was something strange about this Ethan guy. He was your average cookie cutter dorky guy interested in economics, so what was so special? What kept you so drawn to him? There has to be some kind of connection. However he definitely didn't feel the same about you, because his eyes were glued to Tara.


word count: 521

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